This is really a training issue. Actually a few training issues! To train a puppy or dog not to chew on things you have to keep lots of things around that dogs can chew on and LIKE to chew on. Then, if they get ahold of something they can't have, you trade them for one they are allowed to chew on. You can reinforce that by spraying items with bitter apple spray, tastes really nasty to dogs.
There was some other behavior described here that is definately separation anxiety. When you come home and make a big fuss over your dog and let them jump up on you and lick, etc (essentially crazy hyper), you make them worse. The most destruction is done in the first 20 minutes after you leave. The thing you have to do to keep this from happening is to make your return no big deal. This is really hard to do because you LIKE them licking, etc. But you have to turn your back on them and do not talk to them for about five minutes. In dog packs when the alpha does not like the behavior of the puppy or other dog they have the same way of dealing with it. They turn their back. Now the puppy or dog will attempt to follow you around to your face again, you really have to stay focused.
After I get home I walk around for a few minutes and put my coat away, sort the mail, get a drink of water, whatever it is, then after a few minutes have passed, I call them over and give them some attention. That way they get their love quotient, but it isn't reinforcing their hyper behavior around your coming and going.
Trust me this will save a lot of chewed sofa's, shoes, etc. The best thing of all for training in terms of separation anxiety, potty training, chewing, etc. is the crate. They LOVE their crate. You just can't use the crate as a punishement, always make it fun to go in the crate at first (bisquits help), they love going in, they think its their cave.
Ok, sorry this is so long, I feel like I'm lecturing here. I learned a lot of this the hard way and paid some good money for lessons too. Dogs are wonderful friends, no sense making it harder on you both!
Best of luck!