Laughter is the best's a wonderful thing to be able to laugh at ourselves. Children are so innocent, and you never know what they're going to say, or how they're going to react to a situation. You did do the right thing, by laughing, it made them feel at ease....
Bald is not funny! Or is it???
by simplesally 17 Replies latest jw friends
Bananas: now those are funny.
My cousin has breast cancer, and has undergone surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. She has 3 kids under the age of 5, and was really worried about the effect her suddenly being bald would have on the kids. So she read up on it, spoke to a child psychologist, and was completely prepared for the whole thing.
So she starts chemotherapy, loses her hair, and I spoke to her and asked how the kids were handling it. She says, oh, they haven't mentioned a thing! They just think this is my new hairstyle, apparantly....or else they think I'm having a really bad hair week.... LOL!
Kids tend to deal with whatever happens fairly well, because everything in life is new and unexpected, I think. We can learn a lot from kids!
Sally your fabulous. Truly. I think so many could benefit from your thoughts words and actions.
Ahh, that's great.
But you know that your hair will re-grow ? and probably more beautiful then it was before......
But you know that your hair will re-grow ? and probably more beautiful then it was before......
A friend of mine, here in Dallas, had breast cancer and lost her hair during chemo. She said her hair came back softer and finer and curlier. She liked it much better.
Good Morning Ms. Sally,
Here is a funny story for ya!
I took my son to get his hair cut, and mine trimmed. I recently took it down to a very short length. Well the lady mowing my head decided to cut the top of her nuckle off and bleed all over the place. I really grossed out. Then she tries to wrap her hand with a paper towel and a rubber glove. She sends the joints local trannie to the grocery store and continues to wack on my head.
I am on pins and needles now and notice she is going in circles, but my hair is already shorter than I what is a person to do? I figured I should ride out this hell. She should be done soon. Finally the trani came back and I sit while my hairdresser has her hand bandaged.
Well finally she admitted to having the problem with my curls and that one side was longer, then the other, then the other...see?
I finally called out for her to STOP. No need to go further. Put down the buzzers and step away from the scissors. Back up slowly and do not return to the spot of which she stood and wacked off my curls. I have pieces of my sideburn skin just hunked out, and the burns are higher than any JW kids. I have way less than 1/2 an inch in most spots and a few bald looking patches in others.
Then she tries to wipe my neck....WITH THE BLOODY TOWEL...I jumped so fast that I must have left burnmarks on the chair. I had to tell her why I was upset. It was absolutely crazy.
Hell if I know how she got her licence, but I am really close to joining you in the state of baldness. So, Here is to Loopy earrings and makeup!! It is bad, really bad and bald might just look better than spotted bald.
(My son is watching all this and as we leave he tells me his is not short enough. lol He did not speak up for fear he would get scalped like me.)
Hope you are giggling.
Some one sent me a link to a website as a joke and I liked the website so much that I registered, it is, I thought that was a great website (and I'm not bald). You are right hair is not that important in about a week I'm gonna go have nine inches cut so I can donate it to Locks of Love.