Whats with the sudden influx of nutbars on the site? Did the local state hospital give out 24 hour amnesty or something?
Judgement Day
by prophet22 20 Replies latest jw friends
I think, that they are closing down Kiddummy Malls, and told them to stay home and wait for armagedon, because is very near.... so they are running out of their mind and s***8 in the pants/panties, and the stench is mking them hallucinating, so they jump on the net to get the story from the horse mouth, WHEN the armagaton is comin...
Sad emo
I have kept quiet for a long time, I continued silent. I kept exercising self-control. Now I will destroy and devour at once, says Jehovah.
For those who want to be approved by God should lead an ordinary life without
religion (2Peter 3:16) reading bible, moderate drinking, forbid all the ungodly
acts: smoking, drug, gambling, immorality (masturbation, etc. Matthew5:28,
(violent and immoral) movies, dramas, cartoons, novels, computer games, etc
(idolatry, Roman1:23, 2Kings17:15, 1Peter4:3, Isaiah33:15)-Revelation21:8, tell this truth to your neighbors. (Jeremiah9:24)Am I getting the grammar wrong here or does Jehovah really want me not to read the Bible, not drink in moderation and to do lots of ungodly acts?
OK, OK People keep moving nothing to see here, come on now......then the doors of the nice white vans open and nice young men in white suits come and lead Prophet22 and Slave1111 inside while they continue repeating "The day of Jehovah is Here!" until a nice peace of duct tape is placed over their mouths and all that can be heard is mumbling......order is once again restored and everyone moves on to do the rest of their shopping.
IC (of the nutcases should never stop taking their meds class)
I have kept quiet for a long time, I continued silent. I kept exercising self-control. Now I will destroy and devour at once, says Jehovah.
Maybe we should call the cops. Sounds like Jehover is about to go postal.
What's up with all these crazies posting crap on this board recently?
Aw come on Satan take off that god outfit and say what you really mean!
prophet22 dirtied his diaper again.
Jehovah God knows all of it, and will bring justice to all of it.
Yep , now waiting for the WT to crumble.
Calm down Prophet no one is chasing you around, no need to fear satan's forces they have been defeated.
I see Prophet22 has chewed through his restraints and got on the 'pooter.