This morning was the morning after the night before at the get-together at the Apostates' Restaurant.
Such an animated crowd with instant friendship.
Yep, many came with at least one thing in common, a realisation about the trith about "The Troof".
And how appropriate we should be just down the road from Bethel. Let's hope they heard - the inmates would have been sooooo jealous!
There was Dark Knight with friends, jwfacts and his friends - didn't they have a tale to tell! Did we hear such abusive acts of some elders! Quite bizarre what some do!
The delightful Kaylen was there, as was deeskis who made a great effort to be there.
Good to see heretic and friend too - real nice people.
So what did Ozziepost do? Cracked a bottle of Devil's Lair with Stress Free of course! What else would you expect in the Apostates Restaurant, eh?
Mrs Ozzie joined Mrs Stress Free and family in more sedate imbibing!
If anyone in other parts is considering having a get-together, a bbq or even a full-blown Apostafest and you're worried that people won't gel together - fear not! If there's one thing ex-dubs are good at, it's conversation!!!
Cheers all, Ozzie