For those questioning the F&DS

by ArgCampeon 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Not a bad guy, Joelbear, at all just for being circumcised.

    Our fellow poster Argie is taking texts out of context. Paul was writing about the circumcision group. He also wriote about them in Galatians 2:12 as being Judaizers i.e. ones who taught that keeping the Law was essential for salvation. I don't think you're doing that, are you?


    "A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies"
    ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON, The Grandmother

  • expatbrit


    I do adhere to the circumcision

    You wont catch me "adhering" that part of my body to anything, matey. Sounds like the stuff of nightmares!


    But feeding the trolls is so much fun. It's so amusing the way they snarl and drool!


  • RedhorseWoman

    Twist things? I think not. The scripture seems to apply quite well to the WTBTS.

    Why do YOU twist things to fit your cult mindset?

  • bjc2012


    That is why apostates need to be cut off from the congregations

    Did I miss something? I did not see the words 'apostate' or 'cut off' in the scripture that you quoted. However, I did see these words: "Keep on reproving them with severity that they may be healthy in the faith." How do your leaders practice this? By throwing anyone who does not agree with them out of the organization and then treating them as though they don't exist. I don't believe that this is what Paul meant by 'keep on reproving them with severity.' The end being 'that they may be healthy in the faith.'


  • ArgCampeon

    bjc: It's all about motives and attitude my friend. You can disagree with the organization and be reasonable about it. But if you are dogmatic and promote your disagreements then it is of concern to the congregation. That's when the elders should act. I don't agree with everything and I've had healthy conversations with brothers in Bethel, including several Governing Body members, but I was not promoting my thinking among the congregation. Even after those conversations, I have had many priviledges within the organization, so I guess they didn't accuse me of being an apostate.

  • Winston

    Em bare ass ment

    elder surfing net for evidence on YK)

    Brother I'd like to show you something else I found that speaks for itself, this is from a thread started by Tallyman cocerning YK.


    You'll notice the botched job and laser burns from trying
    to remove all those Dates!

    YK hasn't decided on a new tatt yet, plus he's fast running out of room.

    I think you brothers agree that the post You Know makes about when the end is going to come has opened up the Society to more reproach. I say this very carefully but You Know predictions highlight the Society's (how can I say this and not get myself in trouble), well, less than perfect reputation for making predictions that come true.
    You Know make us all look like a bunch of pots with cracks.

  • ReverendRoy

    Arg -

    You start with "scripture reminds us to be careful of those that question every good thing".

    Why is a wonderful question! You should use it on occasion. My 2 and a half year old does this quite well already.........

  • metatron

    Turn it around

    Why not say "I'd hate to be in the Governing Body's shoes
    since they are proven false prophets". (their false prophecies are well documented)

    Of course, this is on top of covering up child molesters.
    Just icing on the cake of wickedness.


  • Patriot

    Arg, you said:

    "But if you are dogmatic and promote your disagreements then it is of concern to the congregation. That's when the elders should act."

    HA,HA,HA,HAAAA,HA,HA!! Thats when the elders should act? First of all everyone that disagrees with the Org. is labeled dogmatic, thats what gets good people disfellowshipped or ousted, in their presence or not, like was the case of Exodus.

    Secondly the WTS admits that the elders are untrained personnel. What, are they trained to deal with SOME things and not others ? Let's see: If GOD supposedly placed these holy men in those positions, why aren't they able to handle all situations?
    What they only handle disassociations and disfellowshipping's?

    Boy, that's pretty small of them. You say "thats when the elders should act". What to proceed with a JC? or are they actually going to try and help the brother understand that he is wrong and the WTS right? Act in what way? Are they actually going to sit down with a brother and try to explain all these allegations such as the pedophile issue, 607, blood,etc?

    Inother words people, Arg is right, the elders will act, but in the only way they know how: Remove this APOSTATE from the Cong. before its to late and we start losing publishers which will make us look bad for not "taking care" of the flock.


  • bjc2012


    but I was not promoting my thinking among the congregation.

    Neither was I. I simply spoke to one elder and that was that. But, that's neither here nor there at this point. What I would like to know is when and under what circumstances do the elders apply Paul's words at Titus 1:13?


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