Arg, you said:
"But if you are dogmatic and promote your disagreements then it is of concern to the congregation. That's when the elders should act."
HA,HA,HA,HAAAA,HA,HA!! Thats when the elders should act? First of all everyone that disagrees with the Org. is labeled dogmatic, thats what gets good people disfellowshipped or ousted, in their presence or not, like was the case of Exodus.
Secondly the WTS admits that the elders are untrained personnel. What, are they trained to deal with SOME things and not others ? Let's see: If GOD supposedly placed these holy men in those positions, why aren't they able to handle all situations?
What they only handle disassociations and disfellowshipping's?
Boy, that's pretty small of them. You say "thats when the elders should act". What to proceed with a JC? or are they actually going to try and help the brother understand that he is wrong and the WTS right? Act in what way? Are they actually going to sit down with a brother and try to explain all these allegations such as the pedophile issue, 607, blood,etc?
Inother words people, Arg is right, the elders will act, but in the only way they know how: Remove this APOSTATE from the Cong. before its to late and we start losing publishers which will make us look bad for not "taking care" of the flock.