Hooberus: You don't honestly expect me wade through all of that stuff do you? If you disagree with me, tell me why, and I'll reply to you.
Is The watchtower Dishonest When It comes to the Trinity?
by RevFrank 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hooberus: You don't honestly expect me wade through all of that stuff do you? If you disagree with me, tell me why, and I'll reply to you.
I posted the link for those who are interested or questioning, not to generate a dialogue with you specifically.
Hooberus; But I'd like to dialogue with you. 1Pet 3:15.
I always wondered why they discontinued the Trinity booklet.
Now I know why.
Because "Evil Apostates" exposed all the quotes that were taken completely out of context.
This is completely blatant and deliberate dishonesty.
" This is completely blatant and deliberate dishonesty." That is being polite !
This helped me in my waking up process, I had never heard of "quote mining" but I was interested in the Trinity Doctrine and how people could believe it, and looked up the source of one of those quotes in the brochure, I forget now which one exactly, but if you read just two paragraphs more in the quote you could see the writer was saying the OPPOSITE of what the bit the Org. quoted seemed to say !
They are fuc**ng liars ! But realising that made me really begin to question deeply, nobody who is teaching Truth needs to lie about it !
Blimey. We are dredging the archives recently. I wonder what happened to a lot of these individuals that used to post here? Probably moved on.
This is a subject I recall and one that helped me on my way out of the disgusting cult.
Why would I care about any of those quotes that the OP made?
The trinity is just not possible regardless of what anyone back then said.
People say that Jesus is or was God but they forget that The reason Jesus came to the earth was to be a perfect sacrifice and a perfect priest to offer it.
To teach people that reason Jehovah gave Israel a lesson for 1500 years by having them build a temple and offer sacrifices to show how it would work and why they would need that. This is a much better lesson than what any of the apostles wrote.
God gave his son to be a sacrifice; a replacement for the bulls and goats. The sacrifice is or was not God since God was the one that accepted the sacrifice. And under no temple arrangement, whether preChristian, Christian or pagan has God ever acted as his own high priest.
Disproving the trinity is that simple.