Is the Watchtower Society guilty of this?

by Honesty 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ferret

    Ezra: Yes you do go beyond things written. Think about the dates the society has given and the failures. Think about blood transfusions, Think about personal sexual laws that the society has written, show me them in the bible. Think about the shunning the society encourages, how is that loving your neighbor as yourself. Just to name a few.

  • unique1

    Yeah, that is why I consider them to be the Pharisees and Saducees.

  • Honesty
    no we do not go beyond the written word. ezra

    We love you apologists. Too bad that most of you become apologetics after a few weeks of reading about the history and tactics of the organization that you worship with such awe and reverence.

  • Terry
    Yeah, that is why I consider them to be the Pharisees and Saducees.

    That is why the brothers and sisters are sad, you see.

  • stevenyc

    'No you can't have a personal relationship with Jesus! You have to go through us'


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