Ah yes Stephen, the virtue of the Sanyassin..
Hui Tzu asked Chuang Tzu, 'Is it possible for someone to be without emotion?'Certainly,' said Chuang Tzu.
'A man without emotion--can you realyl call him a man?' asked Hui Tzu.
Chuang Tzu replied, 'The Way gives him a face and Heaven provides a shape, so how can it follow he is not called a man?'
'But if he is already called a man, how can it follow that he has no emotion?'
'That's not what I mean by emotions,' said Chuang Tzu. 'When I say a man has no emotions, what I mean by this is someone who does not allow either the good or the bad to have any effect upon him. He lets all things be and allows life to continue in its own way."
Hui Tzu said, 'If he doesn't interfere with life, then how does he take care of himself?'
'The Way gives him a face and Heaven provides a shape. He does not allow either the good or the bad to have any effect on him. But you now, you wear your soul on your sleeve, exhausting your energy, propping yourself up on a tree, mumbling, or bent over your desk, asleep. Heaven gives you a form and you wear it out by pointless argument!'