I was a forth generation Witness. My great-great grandmother came in near her death when she and my great grandmother lived in New York and would go to Rutherford's talks. Then my grandmother got baptized in her late 20's and went inactive. My mom got baptized in 1975, just under the wire. I did the deed in the 1990's, left in the 1990's too. Of all the people that those woman brought into the world, and it nears about 150. Only two are Witnesses to this day, my mother and my sister. Guess the people in my family did not follow the societies advice of how to raise good little Witnesses or else were stubborn as hell. I think it is a little of both. So anyone else go back this far?
How many generations of yours were lemmings?
by free2beme 13 Replies latest jw friends
i thinkits just my "rents" and grand parents on my "moms" side...
the infamous one
I was fourth generation on my Fathers side and third on my Mother's.
As for me and mine... we won't be adding to the string of ignorance, thank goodness!
I was the only idiot. I have a son who is being raised by his JW mother. Hopefully, he will soon realise how depraved the Watchtower's teachings are before it is too late.
I was a third generation witness. My poor little neices and nephews are fourth generation. If they have kids and raise them as witnesses, I will know for sure that there is no god!
great grandparents (millions now living will never die era... they are dead of course)grandparents (children of millions now living will never die era... they are dead too)
parents (grandchildren of millions now living will never die era.. they're very elderly)
me and siblings (great grandchildren of MNLWND era.. we're all middle aged 40s and 50s)
my children ( teens and adults)
my siblings childrens children.. ( ages 1-10)
6 generations but i wouldnt call them/us lemmings.. we were all honestly seeking to do Gods will..
Black Sheep
I'm 3rd generation, my kids are 4th. I am worried that one lot of grandkids may get caught up in it even though they have a non JW mother and are in a country with dwinding JW statistics.I am hoping that my daughter won't breed unless they wake up because she and her husband are a troooo Dubbys and would put their kids up through all the same **** that I went through. I have been working on that one, but he doesn't answer my questions any more.
My mother is 86. Her dad was a "Russellite" and I grew up hearing about colporteurs (sp?) and wind up record players....
My mother went in and soon realised that the org was hypocritical and left and I became inactive soon after.