Any one read David Rohl's books?

by sleepy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Moxy have you actually read David's books?

    "the evidence for this is suspicious-looking but i havent investigated enough to debunk it well."
    How do you know it should be debunked if you haven't read it?

    His goal seems to be not to show the bible is from god but merely to show that some of the events mentioned in the previously cosidered to be bunk are in fact based on real events.

    He shows that the reasons historians have rejected the exodus and other stories are based on assumptions made in the past in identifing the pharaoh Shishak mentioned in the bible, whom he equates with RamessesII in stead of the usual Shoshenk.

    He presents compelling evidence for this .

    This changes the time framwork in which ancient Isreal is usually placed into an earlier period where much evidence supports the reality of an Isreali conquest of the promised land.

    David Rohl is an archeologist with degrees in Eygytology and Ancient History and applies proper methology to his arguments,not some pusedoscientist.

    I will post more on his reaserch when I have time.

  • Moxy

    no, i havent read these books. you'll see my comments were regarding his theories about the amarna tablets and what i think hes calling his 'revised egyptian chronology' which i had recently come across. likely a lot of his theories in these books are related to this revised chronology that pushes conventional dates forward by 3 centuries. i found these suspect and so anything else of his, i would automatically be a bit suspicious of. i am familiar with the shishak-ramses theory too. ive read the other book mentioned above, Bible Unearthed and i certainly would read some of rohl if i got my hands on it.

    i do not know enough about all this to say authoritatively what parts of the theories are wrong. i think like most here, i rely on professional opinion a lot. there are so many conflicting theories on ancient archeology, you can find 'experts' to support almost any view you want. so i try my best to determine what i think is most accurate based on how compelling the evidence is and also on how well accepted the ideas are in the professional community.


  • sleepy

    Hello Patio34

    I'd also considered the idea of the Bible stories coming from Abraham and others.

    It's interesting how people like Melchisedek , Job and Moses father in law are all called servents of Jehovah , priests or similar in the Bible.
    Who were these people?

    I've also noted how Moses went off into the wilderness and met his wife and Jethro his father in law and came back to the Isrealites with his many stories.

    Perhaps the stories come from many sources.

    I'm supprised that so few people seem to have read Rohls books perhaps its not so easily available in other countries.

    I would like to corespond with anyone who feels they have knowledge on the origens of bible stories as I feel that if there is some truth in them then they provide a valuble insight into the history of modern man and may still lend futher clues as to where we came from.

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