Yes, many times. One JW was atacking me phisically many times. With others, in ministry, their behavoiur was very improper, they PUSHED their beliefs, and engaged in arguments, and used the speech to belittle the person. The talk was not to win the person, but to push the stupid beliefs.
I was visiting JW, and we been siting in living room. There was older couple and their doughter in her 20. Suddently, she unzziped her blouse, took of her bra in front of me and her Father, exposing her bare breasts. That was a shock, and I almost fainted.
Another time, I was invited to dinner by older JW couple. He was elder. She ALWAYS argued with him, about everything, and belittled him. That was very shocking and unpleasant.
I can recite HUNDREDS times, when I was ashamed of another JW.
Very Hipocritical Occult.