As I never been JW I can't understand why some of you bother writing some letters. If being in WT is not legaly binding (as I understood that baptism is not legaly binding), then who cares about writing. Just stop going to KH and that's all. Or there is something I do not understand? Or this is some kind of psichological matter?
Another question about JW
by Shazard 17 Replies latest jw experiences
What do you mean "writing letters"? Are you talking about disassociating oneself?
drew sagan
The entire JW expierance is a very "legal" process, even if it's not legal in the truest sense. The Watchtower demands of its members to go to their previous places of worship and denounce their belifs, sometimes writing an official letter stating why you no longer want to be part of that religion. In addition to this I think many who write letters want to let the organization as well as their local elders the reasons for their decision to leave. Rumors are started, lies are told, but at least you rest knowing that you did your best to confront the issues and stand up for yourself the best you could.
Being a jw is something that consumes your life, it takes it over completely. There isn't an aspect of your day to day life that is not based upon some doctrine or other. Its like running around with an elder on your back constantly telling you what you can or can not do.
When You leave the org writing a letter is the equivalent of standing up for yourself, shaking that elder off your back and saying "NO MORE!" its like nailing the coffin lid down on that corpse that just wont rest in peace and wanders at night. Its about making a stand, not for Jehovah but for yourself
Its about finality and empowerment.
When I left I just faded, I never Da'd myself and I've spent the last 17 yrs with an elder on my back, I haven't been able to completely break free of my brainwashing. Looking back I wish I had have DA'd, things might have been so much easier then.
I haven't been able to completely break free of my brainwashing. Looking back I wish I had have DA'd, things might have been so much easier then.
You will eventually just takes time; going through the same old stuff matey!
Yeah but Its been 17 years though and I still behave like a dub sometimes.
I was in a small village outside Glasgow the other month, they had a war memorial on the village green with wreaths and about half a dozen small wooden crosses that individuals had left to remember someone they once loved. I was sat outside the pub drinking when a bunch of neds / chavs came along. This drunken nedette ran / stumbled over to the memorial pulled out a cross and chucked it at another neds head, it bounced off and landed in the road and she and her mates went off (probably to get her eggs fertilized and sniff glue)
Someone had put that cross there for a reason, someone was missing someone else 60 yrs later and some nedette had just come along and pulled it out and chucked it away like it was rubbish. I stood up and went over to the cross lying in the road and went to pick it up but as i bent down the dub brainwashing kicked in and thoughts of Idols and false religion hit me and I stopped for a moment but then carried on picking it up before putting it back where it had come from.
Just the fact that I couldn't even do something like picking a cross up without it pricking my conscience really peeved me.
Just the fact that I couldn't even do something like picking a cross up without it pricking my conscience really peeved me
I had a similar experience not too long ago where me and friend of mine were talking about religion/politics/bollocks and he is aware of my upbringing so that did get discussed too. Hes quite switched on and he speaks a lot of sense normally, on that front I do respect his intellect.
Out of nowhere he said 'personally I think the government someday soon will ban religion...'! The hairs on the back of my neck were raised and I had this sense of panic for a minute or two before replacing such thoughts with rational thinking.
I gets to us all even when youve been out a decade of more; the fact that you carried on doing what you thought was right regardless and the fact that I replaced the thoughts I had, is the most important. The episodes do happen less and less as time goes on.
The reason I sent my letter is to have my baptism nullified so they can't disfellowship or disassociate me. The elders got notice of a certified letter for pick up at the post office over a week ago and they still haven't picked it up. Slackers.
Some people write letters because they are tired of being harassed by the elders and other witnesses. The letter gets them disassociated or disfellowshipped so everyone will leave them alone.
Or this is some kind of psichological matter?
That's what it is. I've always pondered that concept. In writing such a letter they can put it in your "file".
If this is not a cult...why have a file? I wonder if the first century "christians" had files on their members too?
Some people write letters because they are tired of being harassed by the elders and other witnesses. The letter gets them disassociated or disfellowshipped so everyone will leave them alone.
Yes, they will bug the crap out of you, better to stop them in their tracks