Sort of in conjuction with the thread about "feeling" something different in the atmosphere of the KH as of late a few things have been on my mind.
I make maybe one meeting a week. Every time i go I get smiles from the brothers and a nice, "How are you doing XXXX?" But that is pretty much it. Granted i'm rather intimadating weighing in at 280 and a good 6'5' tall, and have a full red beard. But i am still a baptised member of the congregation. I haven't heard a word of encouragment. Also I haven't been in service since June, at least. I know that i should be considered "inactive." But i haven't had a sheparding call or even my "bookstudy overseer" mention it to me. Or ask me why. Is it possible they just really don't care? Or maybe they have larger problems on their hands. There are a lot of wild youths in my hall and they seem to keep the elder body busy. Perhaps they seem me as a non-threat at the moment.
I just hear these stories about people who have elders banging down their doors and wonder why i am ignored?