YIPPEE. Do the happy dance. Did you see the I put on the thread about health insurance? It was a link to all services, you complete one applications, etc.
by Frannie Banannie 33 Replies latest jw friends
YIPPEE. Do the happy dance. Did you see the I put on the thread about health insurance? It was a link to all services, you complete one applications, etc.
I don't know what it means, but it sounds great
Wow 1 month?!!!! I'm stunned.
I put my application in last February. I've was denied. Then went to appeal and that was denied. Now I'm going for a tribunal review - lawyer and all - but that isn't until June - my birthday -- so I'm hoping I get a birthday present
((((Frannie)))) Wonderful news!
Good on you!
Usually the case is that you have to appeal and appeal and wait for forever for them to drag their feet and then they would hope you would give up; however if you dont, they have to give you back pay from the time you applied for SSI so I guess they are just going to just pay up instead of having to come up with all of it at once once you are approved.
This is true...They denied my brother this FIVE times because of his chronic illness. But he never gave up, we all fought for him, and with him, and now he has it. I'm glad things are blowing in your direction too Frannie
Congratulations! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
When I first got RSDI, they sent out a letter of rejection. It's standard procedure.
Usually the case is that you have to appeal and appeal and wait for forever for them to drag their feet and then they would hope you would give up; however if you dont, they have to give you back pay from the time you applied for SSI so I guess they are just going to just pay up instead of having to come up with all of it at once once you are approved.
This is what I was expecting, littlerockguy! I'm so relieved!
YIPPEE. Do the happy dance. Did you see the I put on the thread about health insurance? It was a link to all services, you complete one applications, etc.
Thanks, Lisa! That's a terrific link to have. Wish I'd had it when I applied the first time! Thanks for sharing.
I don't know what it means, but it sounds greatCongrats!
Thanks, LT! It means that Social Security office here in the States is going to begin paying me disability payments even before I've been determined to be officially disabled.....probably because they feel just on the evidence they already have that I will qualify. To have this happen without a nearly knock-down dragout fight through the legal system, this is almost unprecedented here. I've heard they've even denied a blind person before and they had to get an attorney to fight for it.
Wow 1 month?!!!! I'm stunned.I put my application in last February. I've was denied. Then went to appeal and that was denied. Now I'm going for a tribunal review - lawyer and all - but that isn't until June - my birthday -- so I'm hoping I get a birthday present
Oh, (((((Lee))))) if anyone deserves disability payments YOU do, cher! I SO hope you're successful in June......I'll be sending positive thoughts and wishes your way, Lee. I'd heard they've streamlined the process here in the USA, but I'm still shocked at how fast they've come through for me.
((((Frannie)))) Wonderful news!*whew*
Thanks, Andi! LOL! "whew" is RIGHT! Now I have all this adrenalin and nothing to use it on....heh
Good on you!
Thanks, Jeff! I really don't know that I've done anything different, but I'm so glad it's here at last.
They denied my brother this FIVE times because of his chronic illness. But he never gave up, we all fought for him, and with him, and now he has it. I'm glad things are blowing in your direction too Frannie
Thanks,, too! I'm so sorry your brother had such a difficult time. He's very blessed/lucky to have people close to help him fight the system. So glad yall helped him and he got it.
Congratulations! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Thanks, MrsMcDucket! LOL! What a strange song!
When I first got RSDI, they sent out a letter of rejection. It's standard procedure.
I know you're right, CRR. What is RSDI?
woo hoo, Frannie!!! Good for you!!!
Thanks, Sunnygal (Terri)! Love ya!
Thank you, MrsJones! That's cute!
Excellent news, Frannie!
Wonderful news! Congratulations!
Hooray! :-)
Thanks, Luna2, bebu, Dave & Legolas!
Congratulations Frannie! It is such a fight to get help sometimes these days. Glad you are getting it.
Thank you, anewme. A fight is what I was expecting.....seems it just isn't in the cards this time.
Frannie that’s great. What a relief that must be for you… I hope that it continues to all work out fabulously!