I just wanted to say thanks

by leftbelow 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • leftbelow

    I don't post alot but I read alot and because of my situation I can't really devulge much about myself (I could tell some really good stories to). but I just wanted to say thanks to those who do share because it really helps and I would hate to forget anyone so I won't list all those who I feel like I have come to know thru your post and who have been a real encourgement to me. Is Crumpet still out there? She started my welcome thread and I actually know someone else personally here which makes it even easier to deal with things To ALL of you THANKS

    (Do we have a WorldWide Brotherhood or what) I hope this is not to corny just had a hell of a week and needed to say Thanks

  • purplesofa

    hope the end of your week is better than the beginning!!!!!

  • Brigid

    That's really so sweet--not corney at all! I hope someday you are free enough to share more about yourself.

    I'm glad you're here.

    Hope your week shapes up better (we still have a couple more days--and you never know what or who tomorrow will wash ashore).


  • prophecor

    Glad you feel that way, leftbelow. It'll come in time for you, I'm sure. Took many of us forever just to get here. We never knew the truth beyond our fears in the Kingdom Halls. Now, we have an opportunity to know better. The truth hurts, the truth about The Truth hurts even worse. Hang in there, it can only get better from here.

  • anewme

    Left Below, sincere words of gratitude should never be regretted. And they are few and far between these days. But we appreciate what you are going through. Welcome to the JWD forum!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Welcome, leftbelow,

    I hope things get better for you. When you are able to post more, we will be listening



  • ferret

    Welcome and keep in touch.

  • tweety

    That was so nice of you to post a thank you message to everyone! I know how you feel...this place is awesome!

    I find that even if I don't post a lot, just reading helps me.


  • unique1

    Glad you have found this site and the support it brings. It has helped me for the past 4 years. Gosh, has it been that long? You will be saying that same thing in no time. Everything will work out. Just keep praying.

  • delilah

    Hi Leftbelow....I hope the rest of your week goes smoothly for you!! Just stay tuned to JWD.....we loves ya!

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