Relationship dealbreakers

by serendipity 26 Replies latest social relationships

  • serendipity

    If you're single, what behavior(s) or actions by your partner would cause you to end a relationship, OTHER than infidelity?

    If you're married, what behavior(s) or actions by your spouse would cause you to seek a divorce, OTHER than infidelity?

  • Super_Becka
    If you're single, what behavior(s) or actions by your partner would cause you to end a relationship, OTHER than infidelity?

    I'm dating, so I guess I fit into the "single" category for this thread.

    For me, infidelity would definitely be the big deal-breaker (I've broken up with a cheating boyfriend in the past), but other than that, I think that physical/emotional/sexual abuse would be a deal-breaker for me, for sure. I could never be with someone who purposely hurt me in any way, shape or form.

    Also, I wouldn't be able to be in a relationship with someone who wanted to control me and take away my independence and freedom of thought and speech and force me to conform to a specific template. I'm a very independent person, I can't stand being controlled. I believe in equality in a relationship, and if I lose what power I do have in a relationship, I'm getting out of it ASAP.

    Hmm, I'll post again if I come up with some new ones.

    -Becka :)

  • theinfamousone

    ha ha... see i have this problem... i keep letting girls take advantage of me... like i do everything for them, treat them like little princesses, and they treat me like a big bowl of shit... they take advantage of me, and then dont realize ewhat they had until its too late... then we break up and within a week theyre always begging to have me back... lol, i guess justnot being appreciated makes me want out... especially since i deserve to be appreciated...

    the infamous one

  • stillajwexelder

    If you're married, what behavior(s) or actions by your spouse would cause you to seek a divorce, OTHER than infidelity?

    Nothing - only infidelity would do it

  • purplesofa
    If you're single, what behavior(s) or actions by your partner would cause you to end a relationship

    violent behavior, drunkeness, mean to people, disrespect for people, rudeness LITTERING!!!!!!!

  • candidlynuts

    dishonesty or abuse would be a deal breaker.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Drug addiction. I stayed through it once. I won't do it again.

  • misanthropic

    crossdressing would really be a problem for me.

  • collegegirl21

    the infamous one - you just haven't met me yet :) jk....

    things that would make me want to break up with someone - abusiveness (verbally and physically), if they are financially unstable, and if they are controlling.

  • kid-A

    crossdressing would really be a problem for me. WHY? Think of the money you would be saving on clothes!!

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