Is Christ Jehovah God?
Ever since I've known the watchtower, the Elers, Bethel, and the rest of the society, they never could answer that question. So one night I was reading the NWT and I ran into the answer. Is Christ Jehovah God? The answer comes right out of the New Worlds Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
As I read it became clear....."Then Jehovah made it rain suphur and fire from Jehovah, from the heavens, upon Sodom and Gomorrah.."(Genesis 19:24-NWT)
Jehovah from Jehovah? Now what's interesting is Jehovah gave His name to His son........
"Also, I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I am coming to you. Holy Father, watch over them on the account of your own name which you have given me, in order that they maybe one just as we are. When I was with them I use to watch over them on the account of your own name which you have given me....."(John 17:12,13-NWT)
Jehovah did give Christ His name. Let's look closer........
" Look! I am sending my messenger, and he must clear up away before Me, And suddenly there will come to His temple the [true} lord..."(Malachi 3:1....NWT) Funny....the hebrew is HA-A-DON which is meant for Jehovah's exclusive use only. Let's look.......
In the NWT..revised 1970 edition, page 1455 the, "True Lord," which is ha-A-don, Jehovah, is exclusively use for Him alone.
In the brown NWT Revised 1984, page 1568 under heading....1H..."The true Lord," the word ha-' meant for Jehovah God, yet it's used to the relationship of the messenger, which prophecy is the coming Christ. Read Mal 3:1.......
So is Jehovah the incarnate Christ or did Jehovah give His Son His name Jehovah..And if Jehovah give Him the Name Jehovah...which would mean Jesus is Jehovah anyway.
No matter how one looks at it the watchtower must know that the Christ is Jehovah God.....according to when I already wrote.
And to clearly understand a Father and son relationship one should study up on customs and culture of that day.......
Co-Author--R. Levett & E. Norton
Author---------(me) RevFrank