Great thread Moche – wonderful – at last, something new about Rutherford.
Handwriting analysis of J.T. Rutherford
by moshe 49 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks everyone - now, can I get a pass on my next fluff threadRutherford was probably the most interesting President of the WTS. I just looked again at the handwriting sample- We know that he died one year later in 1942. If we look closely at his writing, you can see small hand tremors have caused many squigles and jerky letters. Hand tremors- show up many times before an illness reaches a chronic state. J.T.R. was already headed downhill physically when he wrote this note in 1941. How shakey will the actual organization have to get before the average Dub sees that the WTS is "Terminal" ?
How shakey will the actual organization have to get before the average Dub sees that the WTS is "Terminal" ?
Good question! LOL
I'd like to see what you could see in my hand writing! LOL
I have what they call "bad handwriting" - it truly is horrible. Very cramped, constricted, with occasionaly breakouts of vertical and horizontal lines that are in contrast to the typical form. I have a hard time shaping the circles of my d's and p's, and most of my vowels look the same. Often times I combine my t and h into one symbol. Now, I'm sure there are all sorts of meaning you could derive from this, and you may be accurate, but how much is due to my personality and how much is due to the fact that I never applied myself in good handwriting back in grade school? How much is happenstance? -
I'd like to see what you could see in my hand writing! LOLChimene- I once analyzed handwriting for a singles group I belonged to. One woman's handwriting knocked my socks off. I carefully formed my words- I said to her in front of everyone " you have a very large capacity to enjoy the physical side of a relationship"! She smiled- then her mouth dropped as everyone started laughing- then she got red- then she got upset with me. I told her that I did her a favor- as now, she was guaranteed to have all the dates she could handle.
Can there be too much of a good thing? I could tell you , Chimene, what type of work you were ideally suited for.
Hey don't worry moshe, we can turn this into a fluff thread ..
you have a very large capacity to enjoy the physical side of a relationship"!
Hey, where can I learn to write like that?
True, many factors enter into a handwriting analysis- you can't read a book and learn how to do it. I knew a man who had handwriting that was perfect- just like the old penmanship books taught. His mother was a school teacher and drilled him in "perfect handwriting", which he never forgot. I couldn't see very much in his writing, either!Fluff is fun! Some of you guys are better off not knowing that the girl you just asked out probably keeps whips and handcuffs under her bed- be surprised. Then again, just think how many quiet girls you passed up that are really wildcats in bed- if you only knew what to look for!
Lady Lee
Wow seems like we are developing quite a profile on Rutherford. Put the handwriting analysis together with the info I posted the other day about psychopaths this was one dude I hope doesn't get resurrected
Can there be too much of a good thing? I could tell you , Chimene, what type of work you were ideally suited for.
There could never be too much of a good thing! LOL She should have been flattered! I think thats awesome!
So where do I sign up - where can I get my handwriting analyzed??? I'm a very rational person and am still skeptical of this stuff, but I can't resist.