What was the latest figure for Memorial partakers? About 8700? There has been plenty of feedback to suggest that the WT consider many to be wrongly partaking of the bread & wine and don't accept this whole number to be truly of the remnant of the 144,000. We'll be generous and say that they are all genuine.
Take women out of the equation and you may be left with about 4000 men - the ladies live longer ;)
Remove those that don't speak English and you may be down to perhaps 3000
Remove those that cannot relocate to the USA and you might be left with 2000
Remove those that may actually decline an invitation to the Governing Body - well not too many I guess so let's stick at 2000
Remove those that require constant nursing or healthcare and you could be down to your last 1000
Finally, remove those who are simply not up to the job . . .
"Brooklyn, we have a problem."