Hi. Everybody.
What is the purpose of this forum?
by enigmatoo 30 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
Welcome to the JWD forum, enigmatoo. What do you wish the purpose of this forum to be?
Are you related to Enigma One?
Hi Enigmatoo. Welcome to the board.
Hi enigmatoo, welcome to the forum! The forum is a place to post about whatever's on your mind and some people may even reply.
Welcome enigma2, the forum is for discussing mainly JW related issues and for giving support to JWs and ex JWs that need it.
You'll find most on this forum used to be Jehovah's Witnesses, have been touched in some way by the JW's or are still JWs. That's our common thread. A few who post here actually are still active, in good standing Jehovah's Witnesses.
We like to talk about everything from newly found spiritual paths, JW doctrine, boobs, cyber-crushes. Mostly we like to kevetch (bitch) about how badly it sucked to be a Jehovah's Witness.
Glad to meet you. We have a lot of fun no matter what we're talking about so enjoy!
Welcome to the forum. In my opinion this forums primary purpose is to discuss matters JW related and help those who want to escape the Watchtower to heal
To make new friends whilst praising Jah.
ha...ha...HA! good one jojo!
oh, by the way....Welcome to the forum.