I bought a cross.

by lostlantern 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sunspot

    I well know the feeling of near exhileration when buying your first Cross after leaving the WTS cult! I bought rather tiny Cross earrngs and I felt as if they were giant things that were covering each side of my face. It took three tries for me telling a nonJW family member that I was wearing something "forbidden" and she couldn't guess what it was in broad daylight!!!

    I have since proudly purchased several Crosses, rings, earrings and necklaces....all the while hoping that a JW would "notice" me at the jewelry dept and report back to local headquarters!

    What a great feeling of freedom to be able to do what we want to and to wear what we wish....

    Congratulations on your courage and the freedom.....although you DO realize that your parents wil be able to smell that Cross even if it is buried under two sweaters and a hoodie!

    It's a gift they possess!



  • slugga

    Sunspot, you can feel the glee in buying cross jewelry and i can understand the feeling of liberation and rebellion but what is it about crosses that's so attractive, why not a star of David or something. is it the religious aspect or just because they are fashionable and that everyone else has one?

  • greendawn

    That's a great cross but it's a shame what this cult has done, for someone to feel uncomfortable in wearing openly the cross while among family members. It goes to show the extremism and isolationism of cultic groups.

  • ferret

    Watchout for the demons!

  • FreedomFrog
    That's a great cross but it's a shame what this cult has done, for someone to feel uncomfortable in wearing openly the cross while among family members. It goes to show the extremism and isolationism of cultic groups.

    Well, I'm probably gonna step on someone’s "toes", but the "extremism and isolationism" extends to not only JW's...it's also non-JW..At least around here it is. If it's not the "traditional" Christian cross, then it's deemed "demonized". And it's frustrating because it's viewed that way because some crazy group of activists would "steal" the symbols.

    I wish I could feel "free" like sunspot. But right now, I don't think even the rest of the world is ready to have an open mind. Until then, I'll be in the "broom" closet along with Brigid.

  • lisavegas420


    Then for Valentine's Day he bought me this alt It's a winged cat playing with a Pentacal in a Crescent Moon.

    I do notice people treat/react me to different depending on what I'm wearing.


  • FreedomFrog

    Wow, that's a beautiful cat pentacle you have there. I'd be almost tempted to come out of that "broom" closet with that one....ALMOST.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I would ask your family, why are you enemies of the cross?

    Phi 3:18

    (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

    They glory in their own works, I glory in the cross of Christ

    D Dog

  • Tish

    My husband bought my 1st cross for my birthday 2 weeks ago and even though I have been out for 5 years still look around constantly to see if there are any witlesses around. But I now have freedom in Christ and tend to notice whenever I am pondering something that I am touching the cross isn't that's what it is all about looking to Jesus n what he did for us by dying on the cross not worshipping an execution implement as I was brought up to believe.

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