I was out last night with my friend that I went to church with a couple weeks ago (he's Presbyterian) and I asked him if he had been to church lately and he told me that him and his family went to the main church in town instead of his little one in the country. Then he told me that his aunt and cousins got up and left the service because it was a woman minister?? So I asked if they were allowed to have women ministers and he said no that it is against the bible ..."the bible clearly says that women are not to have authority in chuch/congregations..."
well I do not remember learning this ( although that doesn't mean much lol) so I said "prove it..where does it say that in the bible?" but he didn't know so that's why I am asking you fellows, he uses the King James version (he told me the reason I never read it was because I had a different bible) so if anyone knows where it says this or if he's just full of bullsh** I would love to know
Thanks Luci