please don't shop there.
WalMart is Evil
by joelbear 76 Replies latest jw friends
At their corporate headquarters, they have a War Room. A f*cking War Room.
please don't shop there.
No problem.
I'm sorry, could you elaborate a little?
Ugg, I hate all this WalMart bashing.
I happen to like WalMart and think they offer a good deal to the consumer. The fact that they move in and take business away from other businesses is well just the way it goes. Most of these business are Mom-n-Pop struggling business with high mark-ups in prices anyway. I'm all for the bottom line, my bottom line and I would rather pay a lower price for the same goods and services as well as see more people employed in the community I live in than the good 'ol Mom-n-Pop stores can offer.
I know I'm bad, so deal!
Their UK arm isnt great either; a client of my firm has sued them in respect of their failures to deal with a bullying and harassment claim, in fact they even encouraged it by not taking proper action.You would expect more from such a 'prestigious employer'
I happen to like WalMart and think they offer a good deal to the consumer.
I'd love if we just closed the borders to trade.Just buy North American and sell to North Americans.
Everybody here would have a GM, Ford or Chrysler and they would be making lots of money.
Same thing with clothing, make it here and sell it here.
Everybody would work
I hate free trade because we can't compete against people working in China and India and so on who work at 1 dollar an hour.
If we try to compete with them, we will earn 1 dollar an hour ourselves.
I hate free trade because we can't compete against people working in China and India and so on who work at 1 dollar an hour.
If we try to compete with them, we will earn 1 dollar an hour ourselves.
Actually JH read this (if you have nothing else to do, boring but informative alert):
Summary dollar for dollar we are ahead of the game in outsourcing, but the real pay off will be years down the road as the world economy adjust to the system. While we loose low paying jobs to workers in China and India we are replacing those jobs with higher paying jobs, true some of our (US) workers will need to be further educated and trained for those jobs the pay off in the long run is well worth it all around.
I'm not by any means an authority on this it's just something I'm beginning to take an interest in myself so I don't want to sound like I am a know it all, I'm just exploring my own ideals right now. A few months ago I felt as you do JH but as I am beginning to wrap my little brain around the other side I am beginning to have a different opinion.
Hey I am a woman so it's all subject to change!
I shop Wal-mart because I save so much there. Prices are very important to me. I have to get the most for my dollar. I'm poor.
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store and Restaurant, now they are evil. They treat their employees horribly and they have just closed seven of their stores with no notice to the employees. They just call the night before and tell you. They have been sued right and left for various things including racism & allowing sexual harrassment. I am suspecting that they will have a class action suit after their latest blunder. They used to have a policy enforcing heterosexual values, but were forced to drop it. Evil.
They are greedy and remind me of the org. Put on a good face to the public, but treat people on the inside, including store managers like complete crap. Many a time I have heard employees say, "This job takes everything I have to give. I have nothing left for my family, myself. I'm exhausted."
While we loose low paying jobs to workers in China and India we are replacing those jobs with higher paying jobs
But where is the responsibility in that? "We'll go to another country and give our low-paying smut jobs to people who don't know any better...!" Isn't that really just another form of discrimination?
For arguments sake, I suppose it's no different than the situation in certain states that offer no protection to its workers, so that immigrants come in thinking they've got it made making minimum wage at two or three different jobs, while people who know better can't find one decent paying job that will cover all their financial needs!
One thing's for America, if you want to make a liveable salary these days you must get an education...and that is probably not going to change any time soon. In the meantime, Americans should rethink their "Buy quantity, not quality" and "More is more!" mentality. I think Wal-Mart does a lot to keep those thoughts a-circulating. But, where else are you going to shop? Everything else is going out of business!
I work at Target... So yeah, don't shop at WalMart...
Joel- Don't you own stock in Target too ;)