If you are talking about "dangerous" as in causing practical problems in people's day to lives, I would say that after the blood transfusion doctrine it would have to be all the ranting against education. Keeping people enslaved in the poverty of low paying jobs affects many aspects of a person's life, not only financial. Studies have shown that physical health, mental health, and parenting skills, are all negatively impacted. An uneducated mind is an impoverished mind and often JW's can see no way out of their negative situations because they have never been taught any useful skills or any other way of "being" in the world other that the JW way. IMHO, I believe that this is one of the reason's that there is so much despair and suicide attempts amoung JW's (not just the ones who have been df'd). They have been kept in the dark and do not know that there is anything else out there for them. This unbalanced, all or nothing thinking is so destructive to a person's spirit.