This was my first REAL tattoo. I have one on my hip, but it's barely 2 inches. As far as the pain factor goes, when he first started the outline, it only hurt when he went over my spine and shoulder blades. Then he started shading in the color, which wasn't so bad. I finally relaxed and started talking to Matt and joking around with the guys in the shop. It actually felt kinda good.
Then he had to go back and shade in a second time. Skin was kinda tender by then.
Then he had to go shade again.
Then he whipped out the 5 point magnum needle and started doing highlighting on my raw ass back.
After he finished the highlighting, he let me sit up and take a breather. I had been getting tattooed for about an hour and a half by then. It was funny b/c wherever my skin had touched the paper sheet, it was soaking wet from me sweating so bad.
Then it was time to go in and color the flowers, which probably wouldn't have been so bad, but my back was soooooooo raw and tender by then...yeeesh...I was about to start crying after 30 more minutes when Kevin (tattoo artist) said...
YAAAAAY!!!!!!!! I was running on straight endorphins by that point. My back was extra sore, but we went to a friend's house for a magic show, and after about 3 beers and 2 glasses of wine, i was ALRIGHT! lol
Matt's being a good nurse. He's making sure it stays clean and moisturized for me.
All in all...was it painful? YES!
Will I do it again? HELL YES!
luv, jojo
P.S. I'd like to give a shout out to Kevin at Ramses Shadow Tattoos in Memphis, TN!!!! You rock dude!!!!!!!!!!!