Watchtower can be sued for NOT allowing blood transfusions ???

by run dont walk 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Woodsman

    I hope it gets lots of publicity.

  • insearchoftruth

    I shall send letters to the three local papers in the next couple of days, thanks so much for the ideas!

  • insearchoftruth

    Does this sound ok????

    To Whom It May Concern:

    Enclosed please find some information about possible changes in medical policy for an organization well known for refusing blood transfusions to its membership. The Associated Press article has appeared in many papers across the United States and Canada but from what I have known it has not been addressed in the local media.

    This area has a few Kingdom Halls, which means that there is a population of Jehovah’s Witnesses that are affected by changes to a policy that they may not be made aware of, unless it is available through media outlets.

    For your information I have also enclosed information from the Associated Jehovah’s Witnesses for Blood Reform ( website, which is calling on the organization to make reforms to their doctrines.

    In addition to the information from the Associated Jehovah’s Witnesses for Blood Reform I have also enclosed copies of a couple of brochures which outline some of the more interesting doctrine as well as changes in position associated with this faith.

    The Washington Post and The Sun Times in Chicago are two of the papers who have carried the Associated Press release dealing with this change. I think it would be of interest in an area which is so spiritually energized to investigate the policy and teachings of an organization which feels that they are God’s only channel of communication yet are still responsible for endangering the lives of many of their own.

  • DannyHaszard

    CANADA HUGHES BLOOD SUIT GOES TO COURT getting onto major international news wires

  • itsallgoodnow

    I wouldn't put too much faith in the courts to really change anything. They don't like to interfere with Freedom of Religion, that wonderful provision in our Declaration of Independance in the US. The religions are protected and free, the people are not.

    It would be great if something came from this or other lawsuits, but I'll just see how it plays out before I get too excited.

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