Summit Pale Ale (local brew) or Miller lite whats your favorite beer.
Favorite Beer
by DigitalFokus 60 Replies latest jw friends
FULLERS ESB - brewed in Slugga's neck of the woods I believe.
Becks Beer (N/A of course)
I really like the original Czech Budvar, as opposed to Budweiser.
Hoss Cartwright
Belgium beer I Think it is spelled Hoegaarden but my spelling is bad the beer is good
LMAO @ joelbear!
Not much of a beer drinker here. Had Guinness once, it was.....interesting. For a while I was on a Corona w/lime kick, but it made me sick the last time I had it, so I've been off beer for a while.
I'm a girlie girl and I like Coors Light... yeah I know for most its pretty gross, but that and Miller Lite are my babies :)
There is a really good German brand called Dortmunder Union that I like the best. But, we cannot get it here in Dallas any more.
mark hughes
Hoegaarden is the only lager worth drinking in my mind, left below.
My favourite beer is Guinness.