What is Gods name anyway?

by Shane 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    God is like sex: there are people that talk about it and people who do it. Once you feel a unity with god, it's hard to express. Jesus tried to express it, no one understood, including the ones who wrote about jesus. The name is superfluous - to god anyway.

  • sawthelight

    if you hold to your current attitude you will be "superflous" to god. if YAWEH's name is not important, why has there been such a conspiracy to cover up his true name?

  • Satanus

    Threats. Threats. Why does the name yahweh not appear in the new testament even one time? Don't bring up the obscure halleluljah. Have you ever, in your life, felt a unity with god?


  • sawthelight

    The name is superfluous - to god anyway.
    thanks for speaking up for YAHWEH

    Threats. Threats
    i didn't make a threat, just passing along common knowledge

    Why does the name yahweh not appear in the new testament even one time?
    it does : YAHWEH in a flesh body is known as JESEUS!

  • Satanus

    Hey Sawthelight

    Oh yes, yahweh = jesus, except that they have mostly opposite personalities. For example, yahweh stones adultresses but jesus protects them.

    What about it? Ever had union with god?


  • Satanus


    You said 'YAHWEH in a flesh body is known as JESEUS'
    Has there been a conspiracy to cover up the name of god, jesus'? I'm not aware of one.


  • Tina

    His full name is God Damnit-cuz I call him everytime i stub my toe. :D T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • TweetieBird

    I'm so confused!

    LOL to Tina, good one!

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • AGuest

    Dearest Shane... and Tweetiebird... may you both have peace!

    There is not reason to be confused or in the dark. Your question, Shane, has been answered... in love... and Truth. Please see kes' response, for he spoke truth to you.

    Little one... amen... and amen.

    Tina... HEY, girl! What, you can't see in the dark? I thought you wuz a... oh, wait... no, that was FredHall, wasn't it? LOL!

    May JAH bless!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Francois

    I think it's very difficult to get an objective grasp of the name of God, since there are so many definitions of what god is dictated by the cultural overlay of the civilization under consideration.

    In other words, we're all spring-loaded on the name of god as defined by our particular culture.

    In the Judeao-Christian religion, god's name is Jehovah - the name given to the concept of god held by certain semitic tribes of the Levant. Apparently Jehovah is one of many names god was known by in that region at that time and included: Jah, El, Elohim, El Shaddai, El Elyion, and a number of others. In other parts of the Levant and in other tribes there was Chemosh, Baal, Astoreth, Isis, and many others.

    In other parts of the world were introduced Kali, Vishnu, Shiva, and even names for human-attained states approaching godhood like Buddha, Samadhi, etc.

    The American Indians refered to god simply as the Great Spirit.

    And of course in Taoism, it is said that the God you can name is not the eternal God. Since a name is a label and a label is limiting then names, or any name, would be inappropriate for god, since a limited god is not god at all.

    Think about it. Immediately you say Jehovah, a certain set of characteristics pops into mind. Jehovah is this, and this and this, and this, but not that or that or that. Limited in otherwords.

    To me it is sheer folly to reverence a concept of god that is near five thousand years old, conceptualized by a primitive, illiterate tribe of desert nomads who created a god in their own image, which god has never been updated in all this time...not in any meaningful way in any case.

    But consider; the angry judge-accountant, the jealous thunderer of Horeb who spoke from a fulminating volcano, is vastly different from the loving and merciful father protrayed by Jesus. And it is not possible, in my opinion, to comport the differences between these concepts. And consider also; each and every spiritual genius who has come, or has been sent to humans, to upset our concept of the nature and character of the heavenly father has been rejected, and rejected by the very group who would most benefit from the expanded awareness of his nature - the priests. For in order to embrace the new and expanded concept of the father, the priesthood would have had to give up power. And that's just why for years the priests keep secret their ability to forecast eclipses of the sun and moon. They would have lost power over the people.

    And so it is today with JWs and others. They don't want you to know that an actual particle of God lives within each human heart. If you were convinced of that, then your relationship with god would be direct, and there would be no need for the WTBTS, or for the Roman church either for that matter. And this is just why JWs have deliberately mistranslated the scripture to read "the kingdom of heaven is in your midst..." instead of the accurate "the kindgom of heaven is within you..."

    And so it goes. Humans have enslaved themselves needlessly to organized religion for their entire history, and its just not necessary.

    Once you understand that, as Paul said, "God is Love," you don't really need to know much more...not even a name.



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