The cut & paste publishing has been going on for a long time now.
Yes this is so true. The literature is SO BORING now, rehashed articles over and over again. And it is now written to be understandable for 10 year olds.
That is one reason why so many people I knew started to learn a foreign language, not really to preach to foreigners, but to have something to do at the meetings, sitting there with 2 copies of everything, one english, one whatever language, to compare and keep their brains busy.
The same with the 'elders'. They always kept busy DURING the meetings so they didn't have to sit still through all the crap. Same at conventions - the clever elder always volunteers for something that keeps him out of his seat.
The worst for me was always the Service Meetings - 20 minutes to 'discuss' 5 paragraphs of mush.
Bro Can'tReadWell, please read the first paragraph:
"This month we shall be offering the Crap Book at the doors. This book is ideal for starting new studies."
Question from conductor: What book shall we be offering at the doors this month?
(Takes two answers the same)
Next Question: What is the book ideal for?
(Takes 3 answers roughly the same)
So, to recap, what was the book again?
(Takes answer from little girl who's mommy is whispering the answer in her ears. Everyone smiles at her sweet answer)
AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH! I am so happy I am not there anymore!!!!!!!