Informed by someone who is separated, but not legally, and was told they couldn't aux. pioneer. Was told that it was always this way.
I can't remember this question on the form for aux. pioneering. Can anyone else?
by juni 12 Replies latest jw friends
Informed by someone who is separated, but not legally, and was told they couldn't aux. pioneer. Was told that it was always this way.
I can't remember this question on the form for aux. pioneering. Can anyone else?
I don't know about the laws elsewhere, but in Ontario a couple is legally separated when they stop cohabiting. There is no legal requirement for a couple to have anything in writing. It is, however, in their best interests to have a legal separation agreement. It is not a legal requirement for these documents to go through the courts. Mine didn't.
I don't think there's anything in writing on this.
It's likely a local decision. Could well be that it's a case of elders on a power trip.
I don't know the legal requirements for separation in the US. I think some states either used to or still require a legal separation as a prelude to divorce.
I imagine the situation you're talking about involves a JW who is not living with her husband and therefore not "giving her husband his due"?? I'm guessing the offense would be that there was no attempt to sever the marriage but the wife (or husb.) is not fulfilling the marriage duty (sex).....I vaguely remember mention of the need to pursue legal separation in this situation to "give Caesar his due" and to do all that is possible to let the world know you are severing the marriage.
If that is correct then it's not far-fetched (in WT logic that is) that someone wouldn't be allowed to aux. pio. who is not sleeping with the spouse but is not legally separated. I do remember some ppl not being allowed to pio. for various reasons and they just put in the time without the title.
*** km 3/98 p. 4 Will We Do It Again?—Another Call for Auxiliary Pioneers ***
Publishers Can Qualify: The first sentence on the auxiliary pioneer application states: "Because of my love for Jehovah and my desire to help others to learn about him and his loving purposes, I would like to increase my share in the field service by enrolling as an auxiliary pioneer." Loving Jehovah and wanting to help others spiritually are basic to our dedication. (1 Tim. 4:8, 10) To qualify for auxiliary pioneering, one must be baptized, be of good moral standing, and be in a position to devote 60 hours to the ministry during the month(another phrase is "good exemplary conduct")
The local elder body decides what it means to be of "good moral standing." I would think if someone has separated but is not taking steps to make it legal, the BOE might interpret that as not morally correct. I can remember that at one time there were several JW couples that had moved into separate "abodes" but were not taking any action to make it legal. It drove the elders nuts because of all the other JW asking questions "how can they do that?"
Its all about the example being set.
Thanks friends for your help. This person's brother is an elder who is giving him this info. In the same cong. as he. Elders want my friend to meet w/them and his wife, who goes to another cong., and they say that she talks to them, but she won't give her husband the time of day. Sounds to me she's a real piece of work. Thanks Blondie for your input w/the "rules". Must go along w/moral character. Of course they are the professionals on this topic, heh? Yeah, right.
Hmmn this makes sense NOT
If a JW woman leaves her physically abusive husband but isnt able to get a legal seperation, then she cannot aux pioneer and give her whole souled attention to the 'christian ministry'? Is this the JW position?
"To qualify for auxiliary pioneering, one must be baptized, be of good moral standing, and be in a position to devote 60 hours to the ministry during the month..."The local elder body decides what it means to be of "good moral standing." I would think if someone has separated but is not taking steps to make it legal, the BOE might interpret that as not morally correct.
Blondie's got it. It's in writing..."good moral standing" and the local BOE decides what is "good moral standing".
A body of elders may let one person who is separated pioneer but not let another person who is also separated. How is that? Because the first person may be separated because their marriage partner has committed adultery, making them innocent of any wrongdoing. The second person might not be allowed to pioneer because they're separated for other reasons that has nothing to do with marital infidelity. Since God hates a divorce and since adultery is the only way to seek seperation and divorce, the separated person would not be in good moral standing, according to WTS standards.
Of course, some elders take their position a little too seriously and read into what's written by the WTS what they want. Then they end up forcing their own views on the congregation members, claiming that they are following the WTS direction. It's too easy for an elder or a BOEs to take whats written by the WTS and manipulate it into persecuting individuals in the congregation. In too many congregations its the politics and ass-kissing that decides who is favored or not favored by the BOE.
If a JW woman leaves her physically abusive husband but isnt able to get a legal seperation, then she cannot aux pioneer and give her whole souled attention to the 'christian ministry'? Is this the JW position?
Yep. According to others in this situation, she should "try to be a better wife and pray more". Actually, there's no reason why she couldn't get a "legal seperation", but I don't know if the Borg will recognize that. They say that the only "scriptural" reason for a couple to split up is adultery.