If you could rent a bill board where you knew Jehovah's Witnesses would see it, what would you put on it to try to effectively reach them? And don't forget that lots of other people would see it to. Maybe the regular Joe would be able to develope some good questions from your ad too. WHAT WOULD YOU PUT IN YOUR AD???
You've rented a billboard in front of a KH. What would you put on it?
by whyizit 54 Replies latest jw friends
For more information on Jehovah's Witnesses go to www.jehovahs-witness.com
I would change the message every few months:
"Jerusalem was destroyed in 586/87 BCE, check any secular source"
"Jehovah's Witnesses can accept 100% of whole blood as various fractions of the whole" (with the pie chart from www.ajwrb.org)
"Do you listen to Jesus voice or the voice of strangers who claim to speak for him? —John 10:1-6"
"Jesus inspired apostasy. Do you follow his example? —John 9:22"
Oh, I can think of so many more...
If it's right in front of the hall:
For Sale - as is.W
"Religion is a snare and a racket"
shark attack
"The end definitely coming in 1878, 1914, 1925, 1975. What next?"
"Church of Jesus not organisation of Jehovah"
"The Holy Spirit annoints and inspires all faithful"
"WTS what do you do with your billions of dollars? Help the poor faithful" -
Pedphile Paradise
free food!!! with an arrow pointing at the hall.