The Bible - God's Word or Man's?

by SickofLies 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • robhic
    American with all it's great power was not able to spread democracy to vietnam, but some how that little democratic new born jewish nation manage to defend itself successively even though odds were stacked heavily against them.

    First, America was hamstrung by political and other reasons which did not allow them to bring our full might to bear against the Republic of Vietnam. If the US Army had been allowed to just "go for it" and blast the Viet cong with our full capacity, political correctness and all that bunk be damned, then the outcome of the Vietnam conflict would have been substantially different. Your premise is flawed.

    In the case of Israel, they have the full backing of the US and all its military power. Israel also has much more modern weapons and defense capabilities than most of the other nations allied against them. Do you see the problem with your statement?

    IMO, it doesn't in the least way prove, or even show, the bible as anything other than a book of man-made fables and laws written by men.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler


    "Chuckler, there would be no benefit to me at all to convince myself into believing in a lie. I have valid reasons for believing that the bible is the word of God."

    No one is asking you to, but you are the one doing the asserting. If you have greater knowledge and greater experience than us mere mortals - as the following statement claims:

    "I believe the bible is the word God. Recent experiences in my life can only point in that direction. By the way, I have seen real live authnic psychics who can fortell the future and possess knowledge that normal humans don't have."

    - you will forgive the skepticism.

    I stand by my first statement. The "no benefit to me" phrase says a lot too.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    God's Word or Man's?

    Both. To ignore the real 'treasures' of the Bible would be foolish. Equally as foolish would be to accept it ALL as inspired. God gave us the hearts and minds to figure things out, but alas few choose to use them adequately.

  • rwagoner

    As originally intended....Gods

    In the case of the many politically correct translations created to fit modern language usage or even the lifestyle choices made by the reader...obvioulsy more fiction.

  • AlmostAtheist


    I know exactly what you mean about the wonderful feeling that comes with dropping superstition. You know that there aren't "signs" getting dropped from heaven that you should be looking for. So when a kicked rock happens to come to rest next to a Coke can, you no longer have to wonder if it's a subtle suggestion that you go buy a Coke, buy stock in coca-cola, or start a distributorship. Now you see it for what it is, a rock following the rules of the universe and happening to hit a can. You probably pick it up and throw it away -- you're a decent guy. :-)

    I would also like to 'spread the word', but interestingly facts aren't the hot commodities they would seem to be. You point out the lunacy of the flood to a true believer and they absolutely can't even contemplate the idea. To them, it's amazing that YOU can't see the logic behind their explanations for it.

    I've begun to think that there are low-level, fundamental ways of thinking that vary among people. I doubt I've actually reached the low-level stuff, but it manifests itself in "believe it when it's proven" versus "believe it until it's disproven" thinking. If you're in the former group, you aren't likely to buy the Bible once you've looked into it. If you're in the latter group, you would be able to believe it in the face of any evidence, since the bar for disproving it is set so high.


  • GodisRight
    First, America was hamstrung by political and other ;reasons which did not allow them to bring our full might to bear against the Republic of Vietnam. If the US Army had been allowed to just "go for it" and blast the Viet cong with our full capacity, political correctness and all that bunk be damned, then the outcome of the Vietnam conflict would have been substantially different. Your premise is flawed.

    Your arguement is flawed because Vietnam created the politcal sitution that led to their victory.

    What if United States didn't break Japanese naval codes or what if Germany was not decieved into believing the Allied landing would take place for from normandy beach? The allieds use dirty tactics to win World War 2. The viet Cong knew their military was outclassed so they resulted to a guerilla and propaganda style of warfare which led to them achieving victory.

    In the case of Israel, they have the full backing of the US and all its military power. Israel also has much more modern weapons and defense capabilities than most of the other nations allied against them. Do you see the problem with your statement?

    No because your argument does not match dates of the 3 wars in which I mentioned occured. Do you believe Israel had superior military technology PRIOR to the 3 wars it had with its neighbors or afterward?. Today Israel could easily mop the floor with any middle eastern nation that comes against it but that was not the case 50 years ago. America had its hands full with trying to stop the spread communism to have help Israel survive its rocky start as a new nation.

    And just for your information, most Western military leaders at the outset of the first Israel/Arab believe Israel didn't have a chance of winning the war. Do some research! Nothing you said is as factual you would like it to be. Arabs bought their weapons from Russia who created better tanks than America until M1 Abrams was released in the mid 80's. The F15 and F16 was given to Israel the late 70's According to the military channel the Russian Migs were equal to American F series fighters and the Russies had built better tanks which they happly sold to Israel's enemies. Plus the Soviets gave Egypt sophisticated air defense systems with the ability to blow ANY Western made aircraft out of the sky.

    Please do not confuse the high tech weapons that the US and Israel have today with the quality of weapons that were actually used at the time of Israel defending itself against destruction of multiple invading armies.

  • GodisRight
    "Chuckler, there would be no benefit to me at all to convince myself into believing in a lie. I have valid reasons for believing that the bible is the word of God."

    No one is asking you to, but you are the one doing the asserting. If you have greater knowledge and greater experience than us mere mortals - as the following statement claims:

    "I believe the bible is the word God. Recent experiences in my life can only point in that direction. By the way, I have seen real live authnic psychics who can fortell the future and possess knowledge that normal humans don't have."

    - you will forgive the skepticism.

    I stand by my first statement. The "no benefit to me" phrase says a lot too.

    I will believe what I want to believe. I don't care about your skepticism. This is the land of the free. I made my opinion known according to the topic. If you have a problem with my belief and freedom of expression, maybe you should condsider relocating to China, They are more in line with your attitude and impatience towards alternative views.

  • robhic
    Your arguement is flawed because Vietnam created the politcal sitution that led to their victory.

    What if United States didn't break Japanese naval codes or what if Germany was not decieved into believing the Allied landing would take place for from normandy beach? The allieds use dirty tactics to win World War 2. The viet Cong knew their military was outclassed so they resulted to a guerilla and propaganda style of warfare which led to them achieving victory.

    Not quite. The Vietcong created the situation which the US and their fear of not following the rules of war allowed, to their detriment, to continue. In other words -- we played by the rules and they didn't. The VC only created what we allowed. And we learned a hard lesson...

    No because your argument does not match dates of the 3 wars in which I mentioned occured. Do you believe Israel had superior military technology PRIOR to the 3 wars it had with its neighbors or afterward?. Today Israel could easily mop the floor with any middle eastern nation that comes against it but that was not the case 50 years ago. America had its hands full with trying to stop the spread communism to have help Israel survive its rocky start as a new nation.

    Well, Rocky Balboa wasn't supposed to beat Drago the Russian boxer ... but he did. Israel's possession of any modern weaponry along with their zeal and ability to use what they had, even against better (only in part) technology poorly applied made the difference. The Jews were more motivated than their opponents and deployed technology they had in a more efficient way. Having the US watching their back in any way was a big factor, regardless of other events. And all of this still doesn't advance in any way that the bible is a letter written by god and not the creation of primitive, late Bronze Age goat farmers later shaped and re-shaped by a bunch of people with their own agenda and the benefit of hindsight.

  • trevor

    Hold on!

    I will have to ask Sooty. He always knows what to say and I believe in him and have put my faith in him.

    He has never let me down and never will.

    I will be offended if anyone is critical of my belief system.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Talking snakes tricking mankind into it's downfall? Downfall of all of mankind due to woman's sin/disobedience? Submission of women to men.....just because? Disfellowshipping? Shunning? No blood? Someone else's dreams/nightmares being written down as a guide to human behavior/ telling mankind what to fear? Guidelines on how to dress(fringe or no fringe)? Who we can and can't associate with and when? If we don't follow all this heavy burden of contradictory input, we'll die/go to hell/won't go to heaven?

    The Bible = Man's word.......period.

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