Scary JW Thinking About the Benefits of Bird Flu

by Severus 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • google_mE

    So then, hypothetically, if I were to kill everyone on earth, I would be saving their "real" life by giving them a chance to live forever in a paradise, who would otherwise be permanently killed by God. What then would God do with me ? A JW would say that he would permanently kill me for murder. Would that make me like Jesus ? Sacrificing my life so that others can live.

    "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends." (John 15:13)

    -mE (of the "hypothetically speaking" class)

  • Clam
    If all the birds died of flu, who would eat the wicked corpses after armageddon?

    This was my first though too. There will be billions of rotting corpses waiting to be eaten and most birds will be in bed with the flu.

  • Frog

    With any luck she might be one of the first to go ;) Doesn't surprise me to hear those sorts of comments getting around. It was one of the first things that came to mind when first reports of the flu strain were coming through the media. I could just picture all the happy dubs rubbing their hands together with the prospects of millions dieing to fulfill prophecy. It won't be those living in lap luxury in the west that cop it, it'll be those living in underdevelolped regions where fewer controls can be put in place, and were vaccines can't be afforded. The prospect of millions more disadvantaged, neglected and forgotten people die is sick, sad and twisted eventuality :( x

  • greendawn

    Yeah the WTS is very central in God's salvation/judgement plans, they are really important. It's better not to have any JWs talking to you so that you will be resurrected and get your opportunity under more ideal conditions.

  • diamondblue1974
    It won't be those living in lap luxury in the west that cop it, it'll be those living in underdevelolped regions where fewer controls can be put in place, and were vaccines can't be afforded. The prospect of millions more disadvantaged, neglected and forgotten people die is sick, sad and twisted eventuality

    Dont hold back Frog...tell us how you really feel

    Seriously as usual are absolutely spot on!


  • Frog

    orr shucks DB that was sweet of ya x

  • insearchoftruth

    That's so true Frog, it once again won't be the western nations who have the issues with a bird flu, it is the people already suffering from famine, lack of clean water, aids etc. But to me that is the area ripe for the wt to grow because of the lack of information flow and sources.

  • M.J.
    So then, hypothetically, if I were to kill everyone on earth, I would be saving their "real" life by giving them a chance to live forever in a paradise, who would otherwise be permanently killed by God.

    By the kooky reasoning, the JWs would have much better success rate in "saving" people by shooting people at the door rather than preaching to 'em.

  • xjwms

    Is it ok if I

    just roll my eyes?

  • insearchoftruth

    That is so true MJ, amazing what a manmade definition of salvation requirements can do to ones train of thought.

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