I was wondering how much longer YOU think this org. has until it completly falls apart? It seems there is alot of things changing quickly. There's alot of lawsuits,young ones are leaving in mass, changes within Bethel,cutting back with Awake mags. and other publications etc.
And I also notice among the "active" members in the cong. around the US is.... that EVERYONE is complaining that times are getting Soooo HARD and that EVERYONE is having major problems.Looking at my 3 sisters' congragations, my parents cong.,my inlaws cong. and this local cong. ALL have complained of a major "everyones falling apart". And ALOT are either on some sort of anti-depresant(sp??) or use alcohol to medicate.
I can't see it going on longer than 10 years.But it may be even less than that.What's your best guess??