I enjoy this subject. Always was boy crazy growing up...my worst experience...went to school with some JW kids, always had a secret boyfriend at school, I got caught kissing him on the cheek, one the JW boys saw me and told his dad who was an elder...I was a Freshman at the time...Got home, my mom cut 7 inches off my hair to give me some humility, then they beat me with a paddle, then I was punched, kicked, etc. After my disipline, I was asked to come out of my room and tell them that I loved them. I couldn't do it so I was then sent back to my room until I told them I loved them. I do not remember if I ever did...Anyway, went to school and everyone knew something bad had happened to me, even the counselors, they noticed bruises on my fingers (from blocking the paddle), I cried the whole day at school and the teaches let me stay at school, they knew I did not want to go home...A few weeks later, I was taken out of Highschool and home schooled...The craziest thing happened a few months after this situation...
The boy who told on me, murdered his parents...Raped him mom after he killed her...Still in jail. When my parents and I were at the memorial, one of the witnesses that I knew (she was a mom with three children), she approached me and said "Now, don't you go and do something like that"...I couldn't believe it, I was nothing like that kid, but maybe she knew how my parents were and thought I would snap or something...
Anyway, sad story, but I graduated early...one small other story...I was 17 and there was a 32 year old that expressed interest, I thought I was so in love...He actually approached my parents and told them, I will put her in an apartment, then we will eventually get married (everyone got married so young in my area) etc. The next day, my parents put the house up for sale and we moved 60 miles north. The congrgation had a goodbye party for us, and everyone knew why we were leaving...it was such a scandal. My mom's friends treated me like crap because they were jealous that he wanted to do this for me, and he was not after them...how crazy this was...
Anyway, when I was 18, I escaped...been out now since 1992.