Best news I have heard all day.
by SHUNNED FATHER 32 Replies latest watchtower medical
I wish you only the best
Madame Quixote
My sincerest sympathies to you in the loss of your daughter, Bethany. I hope that a fund is set up in her name and memory to help defray the costs of your lawsuit (and of other such lawsuits) against the society. I would be happy to donate, if such a fund exists. Please let me know. I will advertise it for you if you'd like.
Again, my sincerest sympathy and my thanks to you and your lawyers for taking on this enormous job. I feel you have a good case against the lawyers because of conflict of interest. What is that called in Canada (same thing?)?
Best wishes and comfort and just victory to you. -
This is GREAT NEWS, Best of luck to you in this battle for justice, you will be in our thoughts and prayers, I'm sorry for your loss, a young life is the worst kind of loss (((((((Lawrence & Bethany))))))). I pray that her death will help stop this insane practice and preserve the life of many other children.
Also use this link to see the item:
Lawrence said:
The Estate has the right to sue Watch Tower lawyers, Shane Brady and David Gnam,
I which only the best success for your suit. These pseudo-lawyers should answer for their participation in Bethany's death.
~Q -
rebel8 made this web page
I've read through some of the information on this case & it is a very sad one. My heart goes out to the Mother & Father.
Our view of the case is obviously flavoured by whether or not we support non-blood medical management , for religious or other reasons. I note the child was given 38 blood transfusions but still died. It is a fact that "life saving" transfusions are not the panacea that some claim they are.
I'm trying to reconcile the discrepancy in the statement on the Jwinfo website that states "with standard medical treatments, Bethany's chance of recovery would be between 30 - 50%" with the medical information stated on several websites that the average prognosis that 20 - 30% of people survive free of disease at 5 years from diagnosis that is accepted by medical authorities.
Yes that is stated on my website, but it is a direct quote from Mr. Hughes, not a statement of fact by me. There is also a disclaimer posted....just so everyone is clear about that.
To resond to your first paragraph, dozy, re lifesaving capabilities of transfusions.....please re-check the medical facts....that is a very tired old defense. The transfusions were given to save her from dying from hypovolemia and other conditions associated with severe blood loss....which they did. I don't believe the transfusions were given to cure her leukemia, which is what killed her.
Medical people, Scully, correct me if I'm wrong.
My knowledge of oncology is extremely limited, as I've said before - it is not my practice specialty.
What I remember of it from nursing school is that chemotherapy doesn't discriminate when it targets cells to kill. It tends to target cells that grow quickly, which includes malignant cells (cancer), and also other cells that multiply rapidly, including hair cells (which is why hair tends to fall out with chemo) and blood cells.
The rationale for giving blood transfusions to someone who has had chemotherapy is to prevent them from developing severe anemia, which would impair the body's ability to transport oxygen to the vital organs. Without red blood cells to transport oxygen, organ failure is a very real danger - the kidneys, the liver, the intestines - everything starts to shut down and the person dies as a result.
So, no, blood transfusions - in and of themselves - do not cure cancer. But in Bethany's case, they would have kept her alive longer and allowed her to fight her illness using conventional treatments that were known to have a decent success rate.