The 2nd study article, "Let Your Hands Be Strong", is very pointed to say the least. It seems that many dubs are finding personal fulfillment outside the Kingdom Hall, and this is clearly a sin leading to spiritual death.
I leave Blondie to do the full review, just some interesting comments...
pg 27, paragraph 11
[When referring to our priorities]
You might ask yourself: 'Have my priorities changed? How does my zeal for Jehovah, his truth, and his work compare to the zeal I had when I was baptized? Is interest in a comfortable life affecting the attention I give to Jehovah and his Kingdom? Is fear of man - concern about what others will think - holding me back somewhat?'
paragraph 12
We do not want God to hold back his rich blessing because of our neglecting the work of magnifying his name. Recall that after getting off to a good start, the restored Jews were "on the run, each one in behalf of his own house," as Haggai 1:9 reports. They became preoccupied with their own daily needs and way of life. Consequently, there was "a bringing of little in," a shortage of good food, drink, and warm clothing. Jehovah withdrew his blessing. Is there a lesson in this for us?
[so basically, Jehovah is withdrawing his blessing from the Society because dubs are running away and not contributing $$$]
paragraph 13
Do you not agree that to continue enjoying divine blessings, we must resist seeking things for ourselves at the expense of Jehovah's worship? That is so whether the activity or interest diverting our attention is the pursuit of wealth, get-rich-quick schemes, ambitious plans for advanced education to have a desirable career in this system, or programs for personal fulfillment.
[what exactly ARE these DIVINE BLESSINGS? Surely the delusion of the GB, if anyone really things they are having divine blessings, they'd best go see a good shrink. I can't think of a single divine blessing in the original sense of the word. I mean, think about it - when Hannah prayed to God to get pregnant, and she did, then that would be a divine blessing. The miracles of Jesus, healing the sick, raising the dead - these were divine blessings. What has the WT got for it to say divine blessings?]
paragraph 14
Such things may not be sins in themselves. However, do you not see that from the standpoint of everlasting life, those really are dead works? In what sense? They are spiritually dead, vain and fruitless. If one persists in them, such works could lead to spiritual death. It happened to some anointed Christians in the apostles' day. It has happened to some in out time. You may know of some who were gradually distracted from Christian activities and from the congregation; now they show no inclination to return to Jehovah's service.
[they're really stretching it to say that "such things may not be sins in themselves" - You mean Brother Havnolife , going to college may not actually be a sin?]
I disagree that activities such as higher education are spiritually dead and fruitless - I myself have a degree and it helped me to get a good job.
Personal fulfillment is what God intended of us, that we explore the world around us, the sciences, the arts, the animal kingdom etc. That is probably the reason why dubs have so little in the way of personal satisfaction - they've probably seen more picutures of those far away places shown in the University of Awake! journals, than they have actually visited.