I was just browsing through the Organizational Manual and nowhere did I see the procedure for how the GB receives information for the anointed around the world. It seems reasonable to me that there would be some sort of arrangement for the FDS to present "new light" to the GB. Anyone know how this is done or even if it is?
So how does the Governing Body represent the FDS?
by jaredg 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was just browsing through the Organizational Manual and nowhere did I see the procedure for how the GB receives information for the anointed around the world.
They don't get it from them..they find out with the rest of the people when they get their mags!
Ray talked about that in one of his books.
The following is for me absolute proof that the GB is a fraud: I realized it after reading Ray's book and as an elder and having acted as a PO I am sure of this. The Society does not keep a record of any kind of the emblem partakers. When this dawned me I was stunned. But to my knowledge it is the truth. The elders send in a small card after each Memorial to Patterson with the number of partakers. No names, addresses of any kind go out. Furthermore when someone new to the congregation partakes, the elders decide whether to count that person or not. How's that for an arrangement? They know more about the status of various corporation voting members than they do about the supposed channel through which they get their doctrine from.
GB= the Chanel They will just never admit it
This would fall under the subject of " Is the Governing Body inspired"?Many threads will give you links to quotes in which they speak out of both sides of their mouth with regards to being inspired. They claim they are spirit "directed" , yet also say they are not inspired.
They take their heiarchy example from the book of acts in which the widows were being overlooked in the congregation and how they appointed certain ones to distribute the funds/food to take care of them...........while the "pillars" of the church spent their time in prayer for direction. The GB are those who represent the "pillars"...annointed, with many years (at least 40) in faithful service to god) who devote themselves to the 'deeper things' while the rest of the annointed do their ministry work and their "companions" ( the Great Crowd), support them in their work. They also use Matt 24:45 to give validity that Jesus appointed them to feed his sheep untill he returned. The problem is, they believe he returned, yet still continue to take full control of feeding his sheep. They also cannot explain how they DIVIDE the "faithful wise servant" into a small handful of them who direct the rest of the slave class......since jesus gave no distintion amoung them. They claim they "feed each other", yet only that small handful actually does the
forcespiritual feeding.Gumby .....who knows just about everything
truthsetsonefree: Good point!
I realized that when I worked on some job in Bethel related to statistics...
...it's not exactly that they call up the ol' annointed sister in England to ask her what to print on next months issue of the WT....
...between her and the GB are LAYERS UPON LAYERS of people that have a bigger clue on what is going on inside the organization! I sometimes wonder why these annointed ones do not realize that they NEVER GET ASKED about anything, NEVER HAVE INSPIRATIONS/VISIONS of some sort, are totally left out of the loop and YET THEY ARE THE ONES who supposedly run the show!
In my recent development in THINKING I realize more and more the human factor inside the organization:
Humans do the writing, translating,....the zeal that leads to expansion: done by humans, all the wonderfull technical equipment (WT programs, MEPS, etc.): done by humans (specially humans that have gone to college and even higher education, since you CANNOT understand stuff like that if you work at Bethel kitchen putting hamburger patties on the grill), whatever acomplishments you see in this organization, its: humans, humans, humans, money, money, money...
I said this once to one "heavy hotshot" at Bethel: "This place is run by Holy Spirit...but foremost by money..." I did it as a joke...he understood it that way and laughed....(i was damn serious).
The following is for me absolute proof that the GB is a fraud: I realized it after reading Ray's book and as an elder and having acted as a PO I am sure of this. The Society does not keep a record of any kind of the emblem partakers. When this dawned me I was stunned. But to my knowledge it is the truth. The elders send in a small card after each Memorial to Patterson with the number of partakers. No names, addresses of any kind go out. Furthermore when someone new to the congregation partakes, the elders decide whether to count that person or not. How's that for an arrangement? They know more about the status of various corporation voting members than they do about the supposed channel through which they get their doctrine from.
The Society does not keep a record of any kind of the emblem partakers.
Kinda puts everything in perspective for someone who had the ability to think. Thanks for sharing that little goodie.
The entire FDS arrangement is a farce when its very clear that it was another of Jesus parables nothing more. How is it that all those other parables he used is never taken literally? Where's the logic?
It's all an illusion. The concept of a FDS class functioning as if it were God is a great way to control the minds of the confused class.