Meeting Clothes

by Nosferatu 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    I wonder if we could send the What Not to Wear people in to ambush a Kingdom Hall.

  • luna2

    In the beginning my meeting clothes weren't too drab and unfashionable, but as the years passed and I became more and more depressed, my clothing started to mirror my state of mind; dark colors, long skirts, flat shoes...very concealing and I wanted to disappear.

  • Country_Woman

    my "meeting clothes" were the same I wear to my work...

    Since I am out - and tele-work from my home, I only wear trousers.....

  • Fleur

    dearest Scully, they definitely could've gotten me badly on that show. I look back and look at the HUGE glasses, ankle length skirts, huge blousy blouses...egad. Not a pretty picture at all. I am amazed anybody ever figured out there was a woman under all that polyester.



  • Scully
    dearest Scully, they definitely could've gotten me badly on that show. I look back and look at the HUGE glasses, ankle length skirts, huge blousy blouses...egad. Not a pretty picture at all.

    me too, essie. me too.

    I did a purge on my closet a while ago. I think it's about time for another one. There's still a few items in there that I showed mercy to, thinking "I could probably use this for an interview or meeting at work". It's time for them to go hasta la vista, baby.


  • BluesBrother

    It is odd really that the distinctive "Witness style " of dress works in the opposite way to what it is supposed to achieve. If a group of them enter your street on the ministry everyone knows immediately who they are, they might as well have Watchtower placards .

    Personally I never felt uncomfortable in a suit, I still do wear one if I think it is appropriate for the occasion. The women and girls had a harder time. The older ones in the family still have horror stories of being taken to task by elders in the 60's because their skirt "did not touch the floor when they knelt down" and so was called a mini skirt..

  • Netty

    Back then, we had to wear nylons with our meeting/service dresses, even when the temp was over 100. Talk about your chafing in all the wrong places.

    Nowadays, I noticed the witness girls can go bare legged. Lucky things. Its great going to (non-jw) church now, and not having to worry about "meeting clothes". I can wear jeans, or dress just about as casual and comfortable as I want.

  • Dune

    i received hand me downs because my mother was very ill and couldnt take care of us much.

    As we got older, people still gave us clothing but it never fit, so we started to have to give the clothes over to the salvation army.

  • curlygirl

    I have to admit that I do miss seeing my husband in a suit. He never wore the cheap suits that most of the other young guys wore. Yeah, that boy was lookin' good.

    ******curlygirl excuses self to go have a cigarette******


  • ferret

    Always bought new suits often and still do. Never had a clothing problem.

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