Has anyone ever stop to realize that since the new change in thought regarding the generation that Jesus spoke about was from references dated: (W95 11/1 pp. 1011 Saved from this wicked generation...)
1957 Walter Bauer's Greek-English Lexicon...
1940 or so W.E Vine's Expository Dictionary...
1964 Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
Sounds like we had the basis of this information for years ago and now the WTBS had found it in 1995!
In addition, why would they use secular references instead of the scriptures to change the most benchmark of all JW thought and livelihood?
Was the faithful slave sleeping?
OLD information for NEW light
by architect 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
It is laughable how the WTS claims to be the channel of God but regularly references others for support or the source of their doctrines.
Ray Franz did write that the FDS knew the 1914 generation was false long before 1995 but their strategy was to postpone changing it as much as they could whch meant finally calling the generation 80 years long and starting it right from 1914 (could babies understand what signs were appearing?) to carry them to 1994. They were gaining too much from it to change it before all margins had been exhausted.
Let's not forget that the 1914 date was of adventist origin and adventists worked out their dates in a very arbitrary astrology like manner connecting things together without using any rational explanation that would justify such connections. In fact Russell himself tried to justify 1914 using astrology and pyramidology. -
If they really are Jah's channel of communication, He's got to be very frustrated. I can picture Him sitting in His heavenly office, yelling into His end of the paper cup phone connecting Him to Brooklyn, and pounding His fist on the desk..."No, no, no! You've got it all wrong again! Education is a good thing! Can you idiots hear me?" ::moves to the window:: "Can you hear me now?"
Big Dog
The whole thing would actually be hysterically funny if it wasn't for 6 million or so folks jacking their lives around on behalf of the GB and their New Light.
That's it Big Dog, they can forego their education and a better living standard and avoid having children because 1914 was a sign of the times.
Has anyone ever stop to realize that since the new change in thought regarding the generation that Jesus spoke about was from references dated: (W95 11/1 pp. 1011 Saved from this wicked generation...) 1957 Walter Bauer's Greek-English Lexicon...
If you look at just about ANY study article ( these articles contain the most important 'food' witnesses recieve) you'll see they continually quote from christendoms sources to substantiate their beliefs.
1940 or so W.E Vine's Expository Dictionary...
1964 Theological Dictionary of the New TestamentThey call christendom a lying whore opposed to Jehovah, yet use her to validate their own doctrine(s).
Where do you suppose all the writers for the WTBTS get all of their information from? Is it not from their OWN library that consists of christendoms books? Does not their feeding program actually come from christendom.... since this is where the origin of their research comes from?
They will quote christendom when it suits their agenda, then denounce her when she disagrees with their agenda. It's a 'pick and choose' kinda thing.
Those references are in reality merely window dressing for the new revised spin of Matt 24:34 and Luke 21:32. The TDNT reference does explain the word as meaning "generation, as in the sense of contemporaries" but then points out that the particular "this generation" means the then present audience in the setting. The real meaning of the passage in Matt 24:34 is born out by the use of the exact expression "this generation" in other places such as Mark 8:12 and Luke 11:29-32. The WTS is hardly alone in glossing over this. Nearly all Christian sects have squeezed the texts to allow for some long future fullfillment. In reality the writer of Mark and his redactors, the writers of Matt and Luke, had Jesus say that the Kingdom was to come upon the generation of 2,000 years ago. Just what they meant by the Kingdom is another matter.
Let's not forget that the 1914 date was of adventist origin and adventists worked out their dates in a very arbitrary astrology like manner connecting things together without using any rational explanation that would justify such connections. In fact Russell himself tried to justify 1914 using astrology and pyramidology.
Could you provide some links to this information? I would love to see it.