Note the comment about heart attacks.
Polyheme scandal?
by rebel8 13 Replies latest watchtower medical
I hope this stuff is safe. From what I've read it has the potential to save lots of lives.
Wonder what the dubs'll say ?
I started another post on a similar topic, posting an article from a Norfolk, VA newspaper. Thanks rebel8.
AK - Jeff
Thanx for posting this Rebel8.
I saw the article in a local paper. My first thought was that the WTBTS will make damn sure this gets in thier magazines somewhere. They will villianize the makers of the product and anything like it with the words "Jehovah knows what is best and when he said 'Abstain', he meant it."
It will be the ultimate hypocricy with the blood strata they do allow, but the dubs won't notice the inconsistencies.
I noted on the website of the manufacturer that polyheme is made from blood. Does anyone know if the components are those allowed by the watchtower per the most recent guidelines or not??
There is some discussion of it here:
and here:
Basically the WTS stance seems unlear at this point.
Polyheme is a hemoglobin-based product made of a blood "fraction" so in theory is permissible if an individual JW choose to use it.
Some Jehovah's Witnesses have accepted PolyHeme, a chemically modified hemoglobin which is not whole blood, but is derived from it. L.C. Cotton indicates that members must decide for themselves whether to accept this product. He said: "When blood is fractionated beyond those primary components and other blood derivatives, we feel that it is an individual decision. If an individual's conscience will allow him to accept the product, then that would be up to that individual. That is between himself and his God...The understanding is that each person stands before God and is judged according to his own conscience. The other Witnesses would not criticize any decisions he makes." 18
18 Carol Harrington, "Father shunned by family for defying faith to save child," Canadian Press. Published in the Toronto Star, Toronto ON, 2002-MAR-11, Page A7.
Scott asks:
I would like to know if Polyheme would be acceptable for Jehovah's Witnesses? If so I think this is fatastic news.Response:
The development of PolyHeme presents a new option to people who prefer not to receive blood transfusions. Jehovah's Witnesses may accept "fractions of any of the primary components of blood", opening the door to the use of hemoglobin-based blood substitutes like PolyHeme. PolyHeme is a matter of personal choice for those who choose not to receive blood because of religious beliefs. The decision for Jehovah's Witnesses lies with each congregant. -
I think the Society will not mention the study because the as one C.O. told me Polyheme is just what the Society needed to save them from the problems of bad press and in turn will save thousands of Witnesses. They want this product to work really really bad.
What I can see is that the WTS is getting closer and closer to lifting the blood ban allowing ever more blood parts to be used and it became ridiculously obvious that this is a joke, why allow most blood parts to be used but not 100% whole blood, they are splitting hair so much and the JWS don't get it, how artificial this issue has become. The BIble is a very strange book if it leads to such convoluted, tortuous, legalistic thinking.
All the GB care about is to avoid getting sued for the numerous deaths their blood policy has been causing. -
*wondering aloud* Does the WTBTS hold stock in ?
I saw a disturbing disclaimer in their annual report:
"This Annual Report contains forward-looking statements concerning, among other things, our prospects, clinical and regulatory developments affecting our potential product and our business strategies. These forward-looking statements are identified by the use of such terms as "Intends,", "expects," "plans," "estimates," "anticipates," "forecasts," "should," "believes," and similar terms.
These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those predicted by the forward-looking statements because of various factors and possible events, including those discussed under "Risk Factors." Because these forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ significantly from those predicted in these forward-looking statements. You should not place undue weight on these statements. These statements speak only as of the date of this Annual Report.
All subsequent writen and oral forward-looking statements attributable to Northfield or any person acting on our behalf are qualified by the cautionary statements in this section. We will have no obligation to revise these forward-looking statements.
Medical breakthroughs are risky business, and can take years of testing to reach market. If the drug fails, years of investment go down the drain. The opportunity to make it big, though, keep the researchers going. Blood replacement is particularly risky. I notice that Northfield Labs have received special dispensation to administer the experimental Polyheme in life-threatening situations without the benefit of informed consent. That is because the choice to administer blood literally has to be made in minutes, and the patient is often incapacitated.