Factoring in the "Theocratic War Stategy" and the double life witnesses almost certainly lead, lieing is pervasive among JW's.
Kids lie at school about their non-participation in almost everything, because the truth is too embarassing. These same kids later lie to the elders when questioned about "the desires incidental to youth."
Elders misrepresent the true nature of a meeting that eventually becomes a judicial committee.
Assembly overseers misrepresent the true financial situation of a convention to solicit contributions.
Elders frequently tell a publisher that "the matter has become a concern to many in the congregation" when, in fact, it has not.
Pioneers misrepresent the real reason they work part-time or not at all to qualify for welfare or government handouts.
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses makes changes under the guise of "simplification" that are actually changes made for financial reasons.
Almost every experience told at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses is greatly embellished or an outright lie.
ps: I once worked with a brother in field service who, if he met a Baptist, told the householder: "I used to be a Baptist." If he met a Catholic, he said: "I used to be a Catholic." I questioned him about this. He laughed and said it was "Theocratic Strategy."