OK, here's how you prepare for the Watchtower study. Come on, it's fun!
What you'll need:
An unmarked copy of the Watchtower for theWT study that week. Most witnesses have several untouched copies of these laying around where they were laid after being purchased at the KH.
A highlight pen - color is your choice. (before highlight pens, we used a red pencil or pen)
How it's done:
First read a numbered paragraph, then read the corresponding numbered question below. Look back at the paragraph and read until you find the answer to the question. Highlight it. You have now 'studied' that paragraph and you're ready to go to the next one.
example question: "Who was Jeremiah?"
Read through the corresponding numbered paragraph. When you come to the sentence "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" draw your highlighter over the word "bullfrog"
NOTE: If you thought Jeremiah was an Old Testament prophet, you are wrong. The paragraph said plainly that he was a bullfrog. The Watchtower is the final authority. DO NOT -repeat- DO NOT bring up any disagreement with the Watchtower answers, especially during the congregation study. This could lead to expulsion from the org. and losing out on the Grand Prize - Everlasting Life.