Hi everybody, Just the other day I had a horrible witness flashback. I remembered that when my dad was an elder...he would come home from his elder meetings with red eyes. He also would get red eyes whenever he was mad at the family about something 'spiritual' like how we didn't have the pioneer spirit or how we were wearing to short of dresses (even if they came down to the floor). So, I was just wondering if anybody knows what I am talking about or has experienced the same thing? Oh the good news is my dad doesn't get red eyes anymore:) I am assuming it's because he's not in cult anymore!
Red eyes
by beautifulisfree 10 Replies latest jw friends
Wow..that is creepy, must have been scary for you. Good thing he no longer has red eyes.
Hi beautiful, and welcome to the forum!
My pop still would get the red eyes, probably due to the fact that when he would got to those long elder's meetings they would wear on him. Just imagine...sitting for hours and hours listening to someone feeling guilty for something they did, or having to sit and hear someones reason for stalking someones spouse. Believe me, It is frustrating, plus draining. Hence the red eyes.
Well....at least from my point of view, glad to hear your dad's out though.
WERID..... I've heard of the same thing happening with my father in law
They're eeevil, eevil I say!!
It's the Weerwolf in um! I say!
I think that it's down to KHs not having windows so they can't see the light.......... Even though it is getting brighter and brighter (on new builds anyway)
My dad would come home red eyed and blowing his nose, exhausted. He is a tender hearted guy, and I suspect was often the lone voice of mercy at those meetings. I had heard Mom say, "Poppa, I don't know why you put yourself through this." and Dad would say, "because the congregation needs me." Poor Dad.
I saw this in action at my very own elder's meeting, as a quietly rebellious teen, dating a worldly. My dad got all red faced and turned to the p.o. and said, "I know what you want. You want me to throw her out of my house, like you did YOUR kid. Well I won't do it. I know where she'd have to go then. If you think I'm not governing my house well enough, then just consider this my resignation as an elder! " Can you imagine how full my heart was to hear him say that?
A few years later, after I was married and gone, I think he became an elder again, but is now 'retired'.
Even now, in their eighties, my parents are very well respected and treated like beloved grandparents of the congregation. I think it's partly because people remember his empathy.
I remember my Elder Dad having red eyes after elder meetings at the KH...I'm sure he'd been crying. Which really freaked me out...
I saw this in action at my very own elder's meeting, as a quietly rebellious teen, dating a worldly. My dad got all red faced and turned to the p.o. and said, "I know what you want. You want me to throw her out of my house, like you did YOUR kid. Well I won't do it. I know where she'd have to go then. If you think I'm not governing my house well enough, then just consider this my resignation as an elder! " Can you imagine how full my heart was to hear him say that?
Oh wow, that is just awesome. Good dad!