Hey, here is another one. This little 'brainstorming' session reminded me of this one:
"Good buy Lenin": http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0301357/
I would say this last one is ONE OF THE BEST movies that clarifies JW behaviour and mind control.
I will not spoil the movie, as some of you might not have seen it and it has a very, very interesting twist...
...but the ones that saw this movie will know what I mean. This movie reminded me of another point:
When East-Germany (hey, another good analogy to the WTBTS regime) was under communist power, they actually managed to "seal" an entire nation and keep them under a belief system that was absolutely hilarious and a BIG LIE! Here is one example:
The winters in that part of Europe are terribly cold (used to be), and they didn't have enough oil, coal for the winter time. So the government went ahead and started to censorship the Weather forecasts and news in general. They would FIRST get the real temperature, and than make the number up, to give the impression that it was actually "warmer". The poor people would swallow (or otherwise they couldn't question it, if it was being said EVERYWHERE, it must be true, right?) They also started to believe it, looking out of the window and their minds would tell them: "Well, its not that cold, they only announced ......Celsius,...." I know this facts from eastern german friends.
I relate this activities to many things inside the JW world. One example is the Yearbook writing, I see everybody all excited about the new one and I know how the "history" of some of these countries is filtered, censored, cleaned up to make a good Yearbook (you will never read the REAL WORLD stuff, the REAL experiences like: "....and then elder Dominating-others-being-a-jerk commited adultery with my daughter, but our faith never failed and we went one..." or ".....and then the ass-kissing-mr.-important missionary showed up at our country and got a nice home with air conditioner and washing machine, whilst we already had hundreds of pioneers doing the exact same thing and sleeping in shacks....but he got the glory and took over power and pushed the locals to the side.....") I don't want to emphasize the negative things, but you will NEVER read what was REALLY going on....I've read the yearbook about countries that I know personally, the names of the people and everything and ask myself: what happened to this or that person....Then I read about some other countries that I don't know and ask myself what the story behind the story is....