Their whole reasoning is ridiculous. One one hand, they say that this calling was sealed in 1935:
*** w69 12/15 p. 756 "Make Disciples"—Till When? ***It is likewise evident that the vision of the "great crowd" (Rev. 7:9) was given to John the apostle after he had the vision of the 144,000 sealed spiritual Israelites. Hence this vision would apply now, specifically since 1935, when the sealing of the 144,000 spiritual Israelites appears coming to its close.
*** re chap. 19 p. 116 Sealing the Israel of God ***
here on earth the testing and sifting of the remaining spirit-begotten sons of God must go on until Jesus and his accompanying angels will have firmly implanted the seal ‘in the forehead’ of all of these, identifying them conclusively, irrevocably, as tried and faithful "slaves of our God." That seal then becomes a permanent mark. Evidently, when the four winds of tribulation are unleashed, all of spiritual Israel will have been sealed in finality, even though a few will still be alive in the flesh.
So on one hand, they're saying that the calling was basically sealed in 1935. On the other hand, they say that the sealing isn't complete yet. The reason I believe they don't want to say that the annointed who are still alive are "sealed" is because if they do, then maybe those annointed might start slacking off in Service. I mean, if you're going to heaven anyway, why bother? Plus, this religion has never taught that we are saved by faith----they teach that we can only be saved through works and this is a great way to keep everyone----even the annointed----in line.
Their doctrine of the four winds being held back until the 'final sealing' takes place, gives them an unlimited length of time to toy with. If the Big A isn't here in 30 years, they can say "I guess the final sealing isn't complete". They can also say this in a hundred years time.........the whole thing is bullshit anyway.......these guys do not determine who's going to heaven and who's not----that's up to God.
Now Gumbers, I answered the calling. Where's my fur coat that you promised me?