Hi Anewme - I've felt the same way. (Actually I've ordered "Jehovah Unmasked" on amazon - it looks like an interesting read).
I mentioned in an above post about the sacrifice of Jephthah and how she's one way or the other supposed to be happily (or unhappily) sacrificed to Jehovah. And then I ask, to whom was Jesus sacrificed? If he was sacrificed to God - then what sort of God demands the blood of an innocent in sacrifice. If Jesus was sacrificed to Law, then the law is supposed to be higher than God - but what kind of law demands the blood of an innocent in payment for the sins of others.
I prefer to think of Jesus murder in more rational terms. He though having committed no crime was murdered and yet forgave his murderers. In his death he showed us a way of living.
Actually trying to debrief from one cult is hard enough but when you've got to debrief from two it's pretty serious. I suppose it must be pretty bad too for people who grew up in the hold of the WTS. The combined effects on me was pretty devastating - surrendering personal autonomy to another person, - leaves an empty head and heart when it comes to directing your own life.
As for the importance of using the name "Jehovah" - the German middle ages interpretation of YHWH, I noticed in the Bible that Jesus called out repeatedly to "Father", and furthermore invited us to do the same in the Lord's prayer.
So much for the "discovery" by the leader/s of the WTS that none of us (only the 144,000 - the chosen ones, the anointed of God, Christs Brother's, Jehovah's virgin wives, etc ad nauseum, are God's children. Jesus asked us to pray to our Father.
You will be