Some who may have seen my thread on reanimation of my friendship with my cousin who has been shunning me, know that I met with him. We had a long discussion, esp. about 'works'.
One point he made was that some from his congregation went down recently to help rebuild some homes. The effort they were part of was not rebuilding witness dwellings, or Kingdom Halls! They were building homes and working on repairs for others, not witnesses. Further, they were instructed to do so without witnessing to anyone on the site, or the owners. And also to return each day to the site with food from the society's local donation point for the families in the area. This was all orchastrated thru the organization. He commented that it was odd that it was being done this way, with all the constant criticism by the WTS for years about how other churches were making 'rice Christians' by doing relief work, feeding the poor, building communities etc.
Anyone else hear of this going on? Is the leopard changing it's spots? Or has the organization decided they want some 'rice Christians' now?