Everyone is making a huge deal about it. “Better not miss meeting this week the DO is giving talks!!!!!!!” “He’s better than the CO because he has even less to do with you personally!!!!” I don’t even know his name, nor care. I am not at all looking forward to the emotional beat down we are about to receive this week. “Service time is down, meeting attendance is down, get your ass in gear people….Jehovah ain’t waiten forever…..or is he…..if you don’t start working your ass off every free moment of the day Jah is gonna blast your ass with a giant meator and have your kids ripped apart by a wild pack of gerbils……ALL SHALL KNOW THAT I AM JEHOVAH!!!!” I already want to puke. The people in my cong. don’t even realize the only reason we are “hosting” them is so they don’t have to pay their gas bill or buy a meal this week either. WHAT A PRIVELAGE!
Well My cong. is hosting the CO & the DO this week .whooppeeeee!!!
by lost_light06 25 Replies latest jw friends
I used to hate hosting for the week before CA. Instead of getting a meeting night off you have a freakin circuit visit! This is prime ass kissing time for the elders who want to get ahead in the org too, though a lot of the backstabbing and politics is reserved for the CO Visit. The elders and the CO want to put on a good show for the DO.
Sounds like a good week to be sick to me.
This is prime ass kissing time for the elders who want to get ahead in the org too, though a lot of the backstabbing and politics is reserved for the CO Visit. The elders and the CO want to put on a good show for the DO.
XBEHERE: Good point my friend. It seems to me that you have "real world experience" with such fine things as JW politics....that is absolutely correct. Since the CO needs to kiss the DO's boots, he will not entangle himself with the local elders. He will try to look good. After the visit is over the DO has to fill out an S-326 form (Personal Qualifications Report) about the poor bastard and his wife....so everybody gets nice and smooth. Then at the next CO visit, the guns are out again.....all against all.
"Live Reporting from your friendly elders meeting"
Well as XBEHERE stated, we CA at the end of the week which is another reason this week completely sucks. Funny thing is most people are worried more about where we're going to eat after the assembly than what the CA's theme is. I remember when I was younger, after every assembly day it was a popularity contest on who your going out to eat with......would it be the cool kids or the losers.....stupid!
Funny thing is most people are worried more about where we're going to eat after the assembly than what the CA's theme is. I remember when I was younger, after every assembly day it was a popularity contest on who your going out to eat with......would it be the cool kids or the losers.....stupid!
Haha... its the same today, I just went thru this 2 weekends ago. I was wondering where we were going to eat too. It is still about the popular vs the unpopular....and yes it still is stupid.
Oh and Trojan yes I have "real world" experience of witnessing it firsthand makes me sick. The sad part of it is what power are they trying to get?? Stupid... utterly unscriptural and unchristian too.
oooh, I got depressed just reading this thread and memories of the terrible mixed feelings I had of these forced meetings upon me and these verbal beatings from these C.O.s and D.O.s.
It is all so abusive to me now! Yuck!
Who goes to church to be made to feel so badly? JWs do thats who!
The few times I've attended a protestant church with my new mother in law I was shocked at how happy the sermons were from the minister.
He actually tried to make you feel good about yourself!!!!
I could not believe it! At first I thought "What kind of sermon is this? Arent ministers supposed to make you aware of your faults and shortcomings and scare you with death?"
Apparently some people go to church and feel better afterwards!!!
Some laugh and sing at the tops of their lungs and get good advice on how to be happy!
Some leave feeling much better and loving God and their neighbor more!!!
Poor unhappy enslaved JWs! They have no clue how abused they are. No clue at all. (Except the physician who prescribes their depression medication) -
Ha! anewme, your comment above about the protestant church and the ministers got my mind spinning old JW propoganda. The first thing that entered my mind when reading your post was all the talks and WT articles about christendom "tickling the ears" of their followers. Holy Crap it is amazing how engrained all this stupid ish is in my head. Jah forbid a minister of God actually make you feel good about yourself, thats not supposed to happen, thier just tickling your ears. Feel like ish little lamb as I kick and throw you about, don't return to your vomit, if you feel good about yourself you must be in CHRISTENDOM!!
Everyone is making a huge deal about it. “Better not miss meeting this week the DO is giving talks!!!!!!!” “He’s better than the CO because he has even less to do with you personally!!!!”
Um, how exactly does this make him better than the CO? Do they mean that, because the congregation rarely sees the DO, that he harasses them less than what the CO does?
Either way, you're right: when a congregation gets a visit from the Circus Overseer AND the Dopey Overseer together, it's the epitome of 'creature worship'. Everyone's soooooo excited and they kiss ass like there's no tomorrow. The MS's and the MS-wannabees are usually the worst because they simply HAVE to make a good impression if they want to advance to the next level in the hierachy.
The only ones who may not be so enthused are the elders themselves (although they hide this well). With meeting attendance and field service stats hovering near bankruptcy level, the entire blame is put on the elders by the CO and in this case, the DO as well. I know, because my B-I-L is an elder and this is generally the way it goes.
AK - Jeff
I always hated those co/do combo visits. Jesus himself would have boycotted those sickening ass-kissing sessions.
Jeff [of the 'I like to be polite, so I won't tell it like I see it' crowd LOL]