Having spent a couple of months in the world after a decade of devotion to the WT I have began to realise how hardly any of my friends have problems with illness.
It dawned on me a while ago that many, many witnesses have problems with health in one way or another. How many times did you go to the hall and ask someone how they were doing to be told, 'oh, just struggling on', or 'I have`nt been too great' or 'I`m feeling a bit low just now'. Tiredness was another major complaint. Many, of course, never gave much away about themselves but you got the impression that people generally had a negative outlook.
In the world people will acknowledge that life at times is not easy but it`s not the focus of conversation. People just tend to get on with it.
I know that in my case I was very worn out with kids/meeting/talk preperation/ministry, etc, etc. Also, the mental pressure of trying to live up to the unattainable. It just all gets too much. In the end, thats one reason why I went. I could`nt take it all. Major burnout!
The JW lifestyle puts major pressure on you, no doubt.